
Most 7-year-old boys probably don’t even know who or what Gucci is, but Max Alexander, a 7-year-old fashion design talent from the US, not only knows all about the famous Italian designer, he claims to have been him in a past life.

The boy’s mother, Madison, said that he revealed his passion for women’s fashion one evening in 2021, while they were all at the dinner table. “I didn’t notice. He told us. We were at dinner during the lockdown, and he just announced, ‘I need a mannequin (时装模特),’” Madison Alexander recalled. “He was very serious. No laughing. I said, ‘Okay, I’ve never seen you interested in fashion. What are you talking about?’ He said, ‘That’s because I don’t have a mannequin. If you get me a mannequin, I’ll show you. I’m a dressmaker.’”

The craziest thing was that Max had never been exposed (接触) to women’s fashion before, he just started making dresses, and he’s been learning. His parents believe that fashion is in his genes, because his grandparents were in the fashion business in Montreal, but the boy didn’t know anything about that when he started dressmaking.

Max spent a few weeks watching his mother use the sewing machine before he gave it a go himself, but he’s apparently better than her in skill since. At first, his parents thought that his interest in fashion was nothing more than a whim (一时兴起), but he has stuck with it for the past 3 years and, if anything, he is becoming more passionate about it every day. “The really unusual part that impresses me, is the commitment for such a very young child, and his true passion to want to make people feel beautiful, which he has told us since he was 4,” Max’s mother said.


1.How did Madison feel when his son asked for a mannequin?

A Excited.

B Serious.

C Disappointed.

D Surprised.

解析:选D。D推理判断题。根据第二段的“Okay, I’ve never seen you interested in fashion. What are you talking about?”可知,当听到儿子想要一个时装模特时,她妈妈不知道他在说什么,因此她惊讶了。故选D。

2.Which has the closest meaning to the underlined word “passionate”?

A Passive.

B Grateful.

C Interested.

D Flexible.

解析:选C。C词义猜测题。根据前面的“his parents thought that his interest in fashion was nothing more than a whim”可知,他的父母本来认为他对时装设计的兴趣只不过是一时兴起,但在过去的3年里,他一直坚持着,因此他每天都充满热情(感兴趣)。故选C。

3.What can we know from the passage?

A The boy knew Gucci for a long time.

B The boy learned fashion from his grandparents.

C The boy sewed better than his mother.

D The boy loved making clothes only for a short time.

解析:选C。C细节理解题。根据最后一段的“he’s apparently better than her in skill since.”可知,男孩花了几个星期的时间看母亲使用缝纫机,然后自己尝试了一下,但从那以后,他的技术显然已经超过了母亲。故选C。

4.In which section of a newspaper may this text appear?

A Fashion.

B Business.

C Environment.

D Entertainment.
