

Two French families who discovered they had been given the wrong babies ten years after their daughters were born because of a hospital mix-up have been awarded 2million euros in compensation. A court in the southern town of Grasse ordered the clinic in Cannes to pay the compensation, which was eighty percent less than what the families had been demanding.

The families first discovered they had been given the wrong children after Sophie Serrano, now 38, gave birth to a daughter at the clinic in July, 1994. The baby suffered from jaundice and doctors put her in an incubator equipped with lights to treat the problem along with another affected newborn girl. However, a nurse refused to switch them and although both mothers immediately expressed doubt about the babies, pointing to their different hair lengths, they were sent home anyway.

Years later, troubled by the fact that his daughter, Manon, bore no resemblance to him with her darker skin, the father did a test that revealed he was not her biological parent. Mrs Serrano then discovered she was not Manon’s mother either, beginning to find the other family who had been handed their biological daughter.

The investigation revealed that at the time of the births in 1994, three newborns suffered from jaundice - the two girls and a boy - and the clinic only had two incubators with the special lights. The girls were therefore put together in one incubator.

After a closed court hearing in December, Manon said: “It was a pretty disturbing moment. You find yourself in front of a woman who is biologically your mother but who is a stranger.” But one of the families said they were completely glad with the decision and that the court had recognized the clinic was responsible.


1.How much did the two families demanded from the clinic?

A 2 million euros.

B 6 million euros.

C 8 million euros.

D 10 million euros.

解析:选D。D。细节理解题。根据文章第1段第1句的have been awarded 2 million euros in compensation可知他们将被补偿200万欧元;结合该段最后1句的which was eighty percent less than what the families had been demanding可以得知他们得到的赔偿比原来少80%,因此他们原来索赔一千万欧元。

2.Why were the two girls put in the same incubator?

A Because they suffered from the same disease.

B Because the clinic didn’t have enough lights.

C Because their mothers knew each other well.

D Because three babies were delivered that day.

解析:选A。A。推理判断题。根据第2段第2句的The baby suffered from jaundice and doctors put her in an incubator equipped with lights to treat the problem along with another affected newborn girl可以得知这两个孩子患的是同一种病,因此她们俩被放进同一个恒温箱。

3.What made Sophie Serrano’s family try to find the truth?

A The hair length of the daughter.

B The different character of them.

C The doubt they faced in education.

D The great difference in skin color.

解析:选D。D。细节理解题。根据第3段第1句的troubled by the fact his daughter, Manon, bore no resemblance to him with her darker skin可知该父亲为女儿的肤色更黑而困扰,因此他们提出质疑是因为他们“不同的肤色”,故该题的D项正确。

4.How did Manon feel when she knew the result?

A Upset and satisfied.

B Disturbed and interested.

C Confused and sad.

D Excited and happy.

解析:选A。A。从文章最后一段的第1句的It was a pretty disturbing moment可以得知她是对自己父母居然不是亲生父母而不安,因此有些“生气”;但是从该段的第2句的they were completely glad可知她对结果还是非常满意的。

5.5. Who should answer for the mistake?

A Manon’s mother.

B The court.

C The nurse in the clinic.

D Manon’s father.

解析:选C。C。细节理解题。根据第2段第3句的However, a nurse refused to switch them and although both mothers immediately expressed doubt可知虽然两位母亲提出质疑,但是护士也拒绝交换孩子,因此是护士犯了这个错误。