医学奇迹!被告知寿命只剩一年 罕见疾病患者健康生活了30年
医学奇迹!被告知寿命只剩一年 罕见疾病患者健康生活了30年

When the man was 12 years old, the doctor told him he had just one year to live. He was also told that only 3 other people in the world had the same illness as him. All of them only lived about a year or two. But now the man has just celebrated his 30th birthday.

Doctors had no idea why his treatment (治疗) was so      △     . The hospital sent his tumor off to be studied and they continued giving him MRI scans (核磁共振成像扫描) every year up until just now. Following the treatment for his brain tumor he was left with short term memory loss. “All my long term memory is fine. I can tell you anything about my past, but may not remember your name after meeting you or what I had for breakfast or why I called you,” he said. To help with his short term memory loss, he carries around a small notebook to write things down he knows he will need to remember later.

For most of his younger years he didn’t think too much about the future and tried to enjoy every day as if it might be his last. He didn’t care about eating healthily or exercising knowing he might not live to see tomorrow. But now, after getting married and having kids, his idea has changed. “Now, I want to live as long as possible to see them grow old. I want to eat healthily and exercise so I can play with them throughout their whole childhood. I want to see what kind of people they become,” he said.


1.When was the man told that he had one year to live?

A In 2003.

B In 2005.

C In 2012.

D In 2022.

解析:选B。B数字计算题。根据第一段第一句“When the man was 12 years old, the doctor told him he had just one year to live.”和最后一句“But now the man has just celebrated his 30th birthday.”可知,一名男子在12岁时被诊断出患有癌症,医生告诉他他只剩一年的时间,然而,就在最近(2023年),他刚刚庆祝了自己的30岁生日,因此18年前(2005年)他被确诊。故选B。

2.What can be put back into the △ ?

A embarrassing

B successful

C standard

D cruel


3.How does the man deal with the problem of short term memory loss?

A By going to the hospital.

B By turning to friends.

C By writing notes.

D By stopping MRI scans.

解析:选C。C细节理解题。根据第二段最后一句“To help with his short term memory loss, he carries around a small notebook to write things down he knows he will need to remember later.”可知,为了解决短期记忆丧失的问题,他随身带一个小笔记本,把他需要记住的事情写下来。故选C。

4.Who makes the man change his idea about healthy life?

A His friends.

B His wife.

C His parents.

D His kids.

解析:选D。D细节理解题。根据最后一段的“Now, I want to live as long as possible to see them grow old. I want to eat healthily and exercise so I can play with them throughout their whole childhood.”可知,现在的他想尽可能地活得久一点,因为他想看着他的孩子们慢慢长大,这样他就可以和他们一起度过整个童年,他想看看他们会变成什么样的人。故选D。

5.What is the text?

A A news report.

B A personal diary.

C A play review.

D A children’s story.
