
Research suggests that one in two adults still fight with their brothers and sisters, and 43 per cent believe the tension with their siblings increases every year. We talk to a psychologist about the reason for this, and how to fix it.

The reasons:

The psychologist Kaur says sibling rivalry (竞争) goes right back to your childhood. “It comes down to competition for parental attention,” Kaur explains. “This can be worsened if siblings feel threatened by or jealous (妒忌的) of each other’s relationships with their parents, especially if they perceive favouritism or unequal treatment.” In other words, if you competed with your siblings for attention or resources as a child, you’ll probably encounter these same tensions as an adult.

But there are other factors at play too, like differing worldviews and having little in common with your siblings. These differences often allow rivalry to fester, perhaps because there’s an expectation that you and your siblings should be more alike.

The ways:

Kaur says the first—and most important—step is thinking about why you want to resolve these long-standing issues. When you get a chance to chat, you should start the conversation in an open, and honest way. She suggests thinking about the topics you want to discuss beforehand. If you and your sibling decide that you want to work on things, Kaur says it’s important to remember there is no right or wrong.

You might want your sibling to take responsibility for their actions or apologize for the pain they’ve caused you in the past, but Kaur says this takes time, and may not happen at all. Lowering your expectations for the relationship and being able to listen to each other’s perspectives is crucial.

And if it all feels like a little too much to cope with on your own? Consider seeking the support of a therapist (治疗专家) who, together or separately, can help you understand why you feel and act the way you do.


1.What causes sibling rivalry? ① The loss of personal boundaries. ② Parents’ unequal treatment. ③ The differences between siblings. ④The lack of a sense of identity.

A ①③

B ②③

C ①②

D ①④

解析:选B。B 细节理解题。根据第二段的“especially if they perceive favouritism or unequal treatment.”和第三段的“like differing worldviews and having little in common with your siblings.”可知,如果兄弟姐妹因彼此与父母的关系而感到受威胁或嫉妒,尤其是当他们感到偏袒或不平等对待时,这种竞争可能会加剧,也有其他因素在起作用,比如你们之间的差异。故选B。

2.What does the underlined word “fester” mean?

A Get worse.

B Harder to appear.

C Be covered up.

D Come to an end.

解析:选A。A词义猜测题。根据前一句“But there are other factors at play too, like differing worldviews and having little in common with your siblings.”可知,手足之间的差异也会导致他们之间的关系不好,即这些差异往往会让手足之争恶化,变得更糟糕。故选A。

3.Which is not recommended to resolve sibling rivalry?

A The support from a therapist.

B The regulation from parents.

C A sincere apology.

D A frank conversation.

解析:选B。B细节理解题。根据第四段的“when you get a chance to chat, you should start the conversation in an open, and honest way.”,第五段的“You might want your sibling to take responsibility for their actions or apologize for the pain they’ve caused you in the past”和第六段的“Consider seeking the support of a therapist”可知,当你们有机会聊天时,你应该以一种开放、诚实和非对抗性的方式开始谈话;真诚的道歉(需要时间);考虑寻求治疗师的支持。并未提及来自父母的规则。故选B。

4.What is the text mainly about?

A Healthy rivalry.

B Mental health.

C Family relationships.

D Family activities.
