
It’s 2023 now. No matter how many times Suzette Hall has saved an animal, she never gets over the casual cruelty some people show toward unwanted pets. When she lost her own dog nine years ago, she started Logan’s Legacy to help other pets in need.

Suzette recently received a phone call about a small dog, possibly a puppy, that had been thrown out on a street. This wasn’t the first time she’d been called to the street. Since she was too far to help on this day, she called a friend who lives nearby to get there as soon as possible.

When Suzette’s friend Rosario Ortiz arrived, she found a tiny dachshund (腊肠犬), her chain tied to a bright yellow fire hydrant (消防栓). Someone had left food and water for the dog, but the puppy was too scared to eat or drink.

Rosario put her up in a quilt, placing her gently into her car’s back seat for a trip to Suzette. Once she was safe, the puppy began to get weak quickly. “She got so sick in the car,” Suzette said. “We think it was from fear and lack of food and water since she was too scared to eat the food they’d left.”

Once she got some water and food, the puppy got well. As soon as she cheered up, her cute and sweet character could finally shine!

“We have named her Cici,” Suzette said, adding, “She is feeling so much better. This sweet baby girl will never feel fear again, and won’t ever be left to a fire hydrant EVER again.” Suzette and her friend are trying their best to find her the perfect family to love her and treat her with the respect!


1.When was Logan’s Legacy founded?

A In 2004.

B In 2013.

C In 2014.

D In 2003.

解析:选C。C数字计算题。根据第一段最后一句“When she lost her own dog nine years ago, she started Logan’s Legacy to help other pets in need.”可知Logan’s Legacy是九年前,即2014年建立的。故选C。

2.Why did Suzette ask Rosario to pick up the dog?

A She was far away.

B She was very busy.

C She was helping other pets.

D She was called by the police.

解析:选A。A细节理解题。根据第二段最后一句“Since she was too far to help on this day, she called a friend who lives nearby to get there as soon as possible.”由于那天她离得太远,于是她打电话给住在附近的朋友,让朋友尽快赶过去。故选A。

3.What made the dog get sick quickly in the car?

A Happiness and old age.

B Sadness and thirst.

C Anger and illness.

D Fear and hunger.

解析:选D。D推理判断题。根据第三段最后一句“but the puppy was too scared to eat or drink”和第四段“We think it was from fear and lack of food and water”可知,狗狗在车子里突然变得虚弱是因为害怕和久未进食。故选D。

4.What will happen to Cici?

A She will be with Suzette forever.

B She will return to her owner.

C She will find a new home.

D She will live with Rosario.

解析:选C。C推理判断题。根据最后一段的“Suzette and her friend are trying their best to find her the perfect family to love her and treat her with the respect!”可知,Suzette和朋友正在尽力为她寻找一个完美的家庭来爱她和尊重她,因此Cici在未来将会拥有一个新家。故选C。

5.What’s the best title of the passage?

A Fall In Love With The Dog At First Sight

B The Dog Will Never Feel Fear Again

C The Power Of A Dog’ s Smile

D You Can Always Believe In Magic

解析:选B。B主旨大意题。根据全文内容及Suzette说的话“This sweet baby girl will never feel fear again”可知,他们救助了被遗弃的狗狗Cici,她因为害怕和久未进食而虚弱,在被救助之后,她将不再感到害怕,也将有一个新家。由此可知,选项B“这只狗不再感到害怕”最符合文意。故选B。