校车上发生惊险一幕 七年级男孩挺身而出
校车上发生惊险一幕 七年级男孩挺身而出

On April 26, the bus driver was taking students home from Carter Middle School when she began to experience “some dizziness”. She attempted to pull over but didn’t make it to where she planned to park and eventually lost consciousness. The bus began to change direction and was going to be hit by oncoming traffic. 

That’s when Dillon Reeves jumped into action. Reeves, who was seated about five rows back, “jumped up from his seat, threw his backpack down, ran to the front of the bus, grabbed the steering wheel (方向盘) and brought the bus to a stop in the middle of the road...despite the panic,” the school headmaster Robert D. Livernois said. In a video released by authorities at the news conference, Reeves is seen taking control of the steering wheel and then yelling to the other passengers, “Someone calls the police. Now!” 

The police responded quickly to the scene to tend to the driver and the students were loaded onto another bus to be safely taken home. No injuries to the children on the bus were reported. The bus driver remains in the hospital and is still undergoing testing and observation.

“We are very proud of our 7th Grade Hero Dillon Reeves! This young man jumped into action when his school bus driver experienced a medical emergency, bringing the bus to a stop and avoiding what could have been a very tragic accident. We are very proud of you!” Warren City Councilman Jonathan Lafferty said. “Dillon, he’s really been a great guy this year,” his mother Ireta said. “He has come a long way. He has surprised us with great grades and with his performances at schools with friends, with peers. And to do something like this just fills my heart, makes my heart skip a beat.”


1.What happened to the bus driver?

A She forgot to pull over.

B She suffered a sudden illness.

C She changed the direction.

D She was hit by oncoming traffic.

解析:选B。B 细节理解题。根据第一段中的“she began to experience ‘some dizziness’”以及“eventually lost consciousness”可知,校车司机开始感到头晕,然后失去了意识,即她突发疾病。故选B。

2.What can we know about the people on the bus?

A The driver was injured in the crash.

B All students were taken to school.

C Dillon Reeves came home safely.

D A young man was sent to the hospital.

解析:选C。C细节理解题。根据第三段中的“the students were loaded onto another bus to be safely taken home. No injuries to the children on the bus were reported.”可知,所有学生都被安全地送回了家,也没有学生受伤。故选C。

3.What made Dillon’s mother excited and nervous?

A The successful parenting.

B Dillon’s heroic action.

C The councilman’s praise.

D Dillon’s academic grades.

解析:选B。B细节理解题。根据最后一段里夫斯妈妈说的话“And to do something like this just fills my heart, makes my heart skip a beat.”可知,狄龙的这次英勇行为让她感到兴奋又紧张。故选B。

4.Which word can best describe Dillon according to Paragraph Two?

A Easy-going.

B Open-minded.

C Tender-hearted.

D Quick-thinking.
