男子生前秘密行善长达八年 直至其葬礼举行才被众人知晓
男子生前秘密行善长达八年 直至其葬礼举行才被众人知晓

It’s 2023 now. Before Hody Childress died, he had been giving money to a medicine store. People who needed help could get free medicine there. He started doing that every month about eight years ago. “He told me he never wanted anyone to know where the money came from,” Brooke Walker, the medicine store owner, said.

Over time, Hody helped more people in need. But in late 2022, his health changed. He had to fight with his health problems. It was becoming harder for him to get around. So he gave the money to his daughter, Tania. She helped to send the money to the store.

When Tania first met Brooke in the store, they talked. She didn’t know her father was helping people. “Brooke told me he’d been carrying a $100 bill to the store on the first of each month. But I never asked why he was doing so.” 

After his daughter shared Hody’s acts of kindness at his funeral (葬礼) recently, news of his giving got around. More people are encouraged. His family, friends and other people start to do that too. Hody is not in the world anymore. But he still lives.


1.When did Hody start helping others?

A In 2008.

B In 2015.

C In 2014.

D In 2007.

解析:选B。B数字计算题。根据第一段第四句“He started doing that every month about eight years ago.”可知,奥迪八年前开始帮助别人,今年是2023年,即他在2015年开始帮助别人。故选B。

2.Tania started to help her father because of _________.

A Tania’s dream

B Hody’s dream

C Tania’s bad health

D Hody’s bad health


3.How did Tania feel when she first knew his father was helping others?

A Shocked.

B Nervous.

C Excited.

D Stupid.


4.What does the underlined sentence “But he still lives.” mean?

A He came back to life again.

B People will never forget him.

C His daughter is still in the world.

D His health becomes better and better.


5.Which word can best describe Hody?

A Lucky.

B Serious.

C Kind.

D Creative.
