
People will do all sorts of crazy things for their loved ones, and 72-year-old Zhu Yunchang is a perfect example. He has been spending a lot of his time on his unusual job, the makeup-wearing beauty blogger. It’s not exactly typical behavior for a man at Zhu’s age, but then again, his is not a typical story.

Six years ago, Zhu Yunchang’s grandson, Xiao Jingyan, was diagnosed (诊断) with a rare and cruel disease. The boy was only five months old at the time, and doctors estimated that he only had about 18 months to live. The only drug (药) used to treat Xiao’s condition could only be imported from the US and cost around 700,000 yuan ($100,000).

Xiao Jingyan’s family decided they would do anything to save his life, so they sold their house and borrowed as much money as they could, but it still wasn’t enough. That’s when the boy’s grandfather decided to do something. He started looking for ways to earn some money and tried beauty blogging.

Zhu obviously knew nothing about beauty products, but he wasn’t afraid or embarrassed to learn. He first contacted a makeup company and asked for some free samples, but when the company learned that he was a man in his 70s, they declined his request because “old people can’t sell makeup”. But Zhu didn’t give up, and he went to another shop and kindly asked the staff to teach him about the products and how to apply them. Soon after he started live-streaming, Zhu Yunchang’s online popularity started growing, and he started earning a good paycheck for his grandson.

Some of Xiao Jingyan’s medication has now been added to the insurance list in China, so the financial burden (负担) on the family has eased considerably, but Zhu continues to work as a beauty blogger, testing products on himself and promoting them to his followers.


1.What can we know from the passage?

A Xiao Jingyan’s family has a heavy burden because of his illness.

B In 2018, Xiao Jingyan was diagnosed with a rare disease.

C Nothing could help save Xiao Jingyan’s life.

D Xiao Jingyan’s family took him to America for his disease.

解析:选A。A细节理解题。根据第三段第一句“Xiao Jingyan’s family decided they would do anything to save his life, so they sold their house and borrowed as much money as they could, but it still wasn’t enough.”可知,6年前,仅5个月大的小景颜被确诊患有罕见病,当时医生判断最多能活18个月。当时国内无药可医,有药也在美国,“70万一针”,因此这个家庭经济压力很大。故选A。

2.What does the underlined word “declined” mean?

A Respected.

B Refused.

C Illustrated.

D Elected.

解析:选B。B词义猜测题。根据后面的“because ‘old people can’t sell makeup’”可知,当公司得知他70多岁时,他们拒绝了他的请求,因为他们觉得“老年人不能卖化妆品”。故选B。

3.What does Zhu do now after his financial burden has eased?

A He sets up an organization to help children in need.

B He stays in the hospital with his grandson every day.

C What does Zhu do after his financial burden has been eased?

D He continues to test products for his followers.

解析:选D。D细节理解题。根据最后一句的“Zhu continues to work as a beauty blogger, testing products on himself and promoting them to his followers.”可知,随着国内特效药纳入医保,罕见病儿童家庭的经济负担大大减轻,但这位72岁的爷爷决定继续做美妆博主,在自己身上测试产品,并向他的粉丝推广。故选D。

4.What is the title for the passage?

A Grandfather Becomes Rich Because of Sharing Beauty Products Online.

B Grandfather Becomes Makeup Beauty Blogger to Save Young Boy’s Life.

C Grandfather Learns About Beauty Products and Becomes Makeup Beauty Blogger.

D Grandfather Started Live-streaming to Call for People’s Attention to Beauty.
