
As the name suggests, anti-climbing paint is a special type of security paint designed to prevent unwanted guests from trying to access a property. It is a non-drying coating that, once applied onto a surface, makes it almost impossible for someone to climb the surface.

Once coated in anti-climbing paint, a surface remains slippery for a minimum of three years, keeping its protective properties in both hot and cold weather conditions. The paint is usually applied in thick 3mm layers and develops a smooth and shiny skin similar to that of regular paint, while beneath this skin, the paint is still wet, so once an intruder tries to climb a surface covered in it, the skin is damaged and the wet coating makes climbing to the top of any surface impossible.

Because of the slippery nature of anti-climbing paint, whoever coats their property with this stuff is required to install signs warning of the use of the paint to absolve (免除) themselves of responsibility. In some places, without these signs, a person could be legally responsible for injuries from someone that gets hurt on their property, even if they were breaking in illegally.

One of the advantages of anti-climbing paint, is that it sticks to anything it comes in contact with, making criminals easier to identify. But it can also be considered a drawback. If anyone accidentally comes in contact with anti-climbing paint, they can charge for damages, as this stuff is extremely difficult to remove from human skin, let alone most fabrics. So it is recommended that anti-climbing paint be used at heights above 1.8 meters, where the chances of passers-by coming in contact with it are very low. Typically, it is applied at 2.4 meters above the ground. However, this does nothing to prevent the paint from coming into contact with cats and various birds.

Although paint companies advertise the paint as an effective anti-trespassing (防止擅自进入) solution, the truth is that it is advisable to think carefully before applying anti-climbing paint, because it can land you in lawsuits. 


1.What’s anti-climbing paint intended for?

A Decorating private houses.

B Guarding against illegal entry.

C Protecting the surface of buildings.

D Cooling the properties in hot weather.

解析:选B。B 细节理解题。根据第一段的“a special type of security paint designed to prevent unwanted guests from trying to access a property”以及“makes it almost impossible for someone to climb the surface”可知,防攀爬漆是用来阻止不速之客进入私人住宅的,即预防非法入户。故选B。

2.Which word can replace the underlined word “intruder” in the second paragraph?

A Guest.

B Passer-by.

C Detective.

D Criminal.

解析:选D。D 词义猜测题。根据第一段可知,防攀爬漆是为了阻止不速之客爬上围栏私闯民宅,结合后面的“tries to climb a surface covered in it”可知,试图爬上涂有防攀爬漆的表面的人应该是侵入者,即罪犯。故选D。

3.What’s the disadvantage of anti-climbing paint?

A It’s easy to be identified by unwanted guests.

B It can only be used at heights above 1.8 meters.

C It’s hard to remove from human skin and cloth.

D It can’t prevent cats and birds from entering houses.

解析:选C。C 细节理解题。根据第四段内容可知,防攀爬漆很容易粘在任何东西上,如果有人不小心接触到防攀爬漆,他们可以起诉要求赔偿损失,因为这种漆很难从人体皮肤和织物上去除。故选C。

4.What’s the author’s attitude towards the use of anti-climbing paint?

A Cautious.

B Ambiguous.

C Favorable.

D Critical.

解析:选A。A 观点态度题。根据最后一段的“the truth is that it is advisable to think carefully before applying anti-climbing paint, because it can land you in lawsuits”可知,作者认为在使用防攀爬漆之前要三思,因为它可能会让使用者陷入法律诉讼,即作者对此持谨慎态度。故选A。