盗贼凌晨闯进店偷鞋 店家清查后哭笑不得
盗贼凌晨闯进店偷鞋 店家清查后哭笑不得

Recently, there was a funny crime at a sports goods store in Huancayo, central Peru. At around 03:30 am, three men managed to steal three large boxes filled with sports shoes. What the three Peruvian people didn’t realize was that all the boxes they stole only had sports shoes for the right foot.

“We have looked at the scene carefully, and the particular thing about this crime is that only right-foot sports shoes have been stolen,” Eduan Díaz, head of the Junín police region, told América Noticias, adding that it’s just a matter of time before the three Peruvian people are identified, as they were caught on surveillance (监视) cameras in the area, and have left their prints at the crime scene.

Even with the left sports shoes still in their store, the owner of the store estimates (估计) losses of around $13,000, unless the 220 stolen sports shoes are got back, because, just like the three Peruvian people, he can’t sell the sports shoes.

The shoe store had only been open for a few months but is one of several to be stolen recently. In mid-April, the National Police of Peru caught a person who had made off with six bags full of sports shoes from a shoe store in Ica, a city in southern Peru.

“Surely they wanted to sell it at half price,” one Twitter user joked.


1.What are in the three large boxes?

A Sports shoes for the right foot.

B Sports shoes for the left foot.

C Money for buying sports shoes.

D 110 pairs of sports shoes.

解析:选A。A细节理解题。根据第一段的“three men managed to steal three large boxes filled with sports shoes”以及“all the boxes they stole only had sports shoes for the right foot”可知,这3个大箱子里面装着右脚穿的运动鞋。故选A。

2.What does the underlined word “identified” mean?

A Repeated.

B Found.

C Created.

D Admired.

解析:选B。B 词义猜测题。根据划线单词后面的“as they were caught on surveillance cameras in the area, and have left their prints at the crime scene”可知,窃贼的身份被找到只是时间问题,因为他们被该地区的监控摄像头拍到,并在犯罪现场留下了指纹。故选B。

3.From the passage, we can know the three Peruvian people are ____________.

A smart

B creative

C polite

D stupid

解析:选D。D推理判断题。根据第二段第一句“the particular thing about this crime is that only right-foot sports shoes have been stolen”和第二段最后一句“as they were caught on surveillance cameras in the area, and have left their prints at the crime scene”可知,这些盗贼偷走的运动鞋,都是右脚穿的,根本就是白忙活了一场,而且他们被监控摄像拍摄下来了,还在现场留下了脚印,即他们在现场留下了一大堆证据,因此可推断他们很愚笨。故选D。

4.What can we know about the shoe store?

A It has been open for a long time.

B The owner has another shoe shop.

C It lost much money because of the crime.

D It will sell the left shoes at half price.

解析:选C。C细节理解题。根据第三段第一句的“the owner of the store estimates losses of around $13,000”可知,即使剩下的运动鞋仍在他们手中,店主估计损失约为13000美元,除非220只被盗的运动鞋被追回,因为和小偷一样,店家手里的左脚运动鞋也不能出售。故选C。

5.What is the text?

A A news report.

B A funny novel.

C A play review.

D A notice.

解析:选A。A推理判断题。本文主要向我们介绍了秘鲁3个贼闯入一家鞋店,偷走200多只运动鞋,但鞋子都是右脚的。结合文中的“told América Noticias”可推断,本文是一则新闻报道。故选A。