
Vincent was born in 1914 and is now 109 years old. He shares some advice for a healthy, long life.

First, spend time doing what you love. Vincent worked as a firefighter for over 80 years. He met so many friends at the fire department (消防部门) . He enjoyed his time there very much. “After my grandmother died, he would go to the fire house every day. They would sit there and talk,” his granddaughter Erica said.

Second, drink milk and enjoy what you eat. Vincent worked for a farm when he was 15. So he could drink as much milk as he wanted. He thought it was good for his health. Now he still drinks milk every morning. But Vincent was never careful about his diet (日常饮食). He has eaten whatever he wants. He loves hamburgers, salads, chocolate and other sweets. He drinks a cup of coffee every day. And sometimes he has a beer. But he’s always been fit.

Third, you don’t need to exercise, but keep moving. Vincent never went to the gym. He never went for a run to exercise. But he stayed active. He joined the fire department when he was 21 years old. And that’s the exercise he got every day—answered the fire alarms. He laughs at people who jog. He says, “Where are they running to?”

Finally, stay positive (积极的). Vincent always thinks about what is good in a situation. He never thinks any other way when something’s wrong. He always thinks he’s doing fine, and everything is just going to be fine.


1.What does the second paragraph talk about?

A Vincent’s eating habit.

B Vincent’s hobby.

C Vincent’s love for sports.

D Vincent’s way of thinking.

解析:选B。B段落大意题。根据第二段中的关键词句“spend time doing what you love”“He enjoyed his time there very much.”“he would go to the fire house every day”等可知,本段主要描述了文森特的兴趣爱好。故选B。

2.When did Vincent work for a farm?

A In 1914.

B In 1943.

C In 1929.

D In 1935.

解析:选C。C数字计算题。根据第一段第一句的“Vincent was born in 1914”以及第三段第二句“Vincent worked for a farm when he was 15.”可知文森特出生于1914年,他15岁时在农场工作,即在1929年。故选C。

3.Which is TRUE about Vincent’s eating habit?

A He eats only healthy food.

B He pays no attention to it.

C He drinks coffee sometimes.

D He never drinks beer.

解析:选B。B细节理解题。根据第三段的“But Vincent was never careful about his diet”可知文森特不在意自己的日常饮食,总是想吃什么吃什么;结合后文可知他吃汉堡、沙拉、巧克力、甜食,每天喝一杯咖啡并且偶尔喝啤酒。故选B。

4.What did Vincent do to keep active?

A He went for a run.

B He went to the gym.

C He drank coffee every day.

D He answered the fire alarms.

解析:选D。D细节理解题。根据第四段倒数第三句“And that’s the exercise he got every day—answered the fire alarms.”可知,文森特每天做的锻炼就是消防出警。故选D。

5.Which word can best describe Vincent?

A Hopeful.

B Serious.

C Creative.

D Clever.

解析:选A。A推理判断题。根据最后一段描述可知,文森特总是保持积极向上,遇事总是往好的方面想,他过得很好并且 一直相信一切都会很好。由此可见,他对一切都充满希望。故选A。