

The safest time to fly during pregnancy is before 37 weeks or, if carrying twins, before 32 weeks, new advice says. After 37 weeks, a woman may go into labor at any time.

If more than 28 weeks pregnant, a woman should take her medical notes.

If the pregnancy is obvious, flying is not harmful to the woman or her baby.

The leaflet gives advice on the side-effects of flying when pregnant. These include swelling of the legs, nose and ear problems caused by changes in air pressure.

The leaflet advises that women wear loose clothing and comfortable shoes, take regular walks around the plane and do exercises in their seat every 30 minutes.

In some circumstances, however, it is better to take the decision not to fly when pregnant.

For example, if a woman has an increased risk of going into labour before her due date.


1.If a woman has twins in her body, it’s better to take a plane .

A before 34 weeks

B before 32 weeks

C before 37 weeks

D before 28 weeks

解析:选B。B 细节理解题。根据第1段第1句if carrying twins, before 32 weeks,可知,故选B。

2.What does the underlined word labor mean?

A 劳动

B 劳工

C 分娩

D 工作

解析:选C。C 语义推测题。本文主要介绍孕妇坐飞机,所以go labour翻译为“分娩”与文章内容吻合,故选C。

3.Which is NOT the side-effects of flying when pregnant?

A Swelling of the legs.

B Nose problems.

C Hunger.

D Ear problems.

解析:选C。C 内容理解题。根据第4段These include swelling of the legs, nose and ear problems caused by changes in air pressure.可知,故选C。

4.How often does a pregnant woman do exercises when on a plane?

A Every 30 minutes.

B Every 13 minutes.

C Every hour.

D Every minute.

解析:选A。A 细节理解题。根据第5段do exercises in their seat every 30 minutes.可知,故选A。

5.What is the best title for the passage?

A Advice on flying when pregnant

B Symptoms of pregnancy

C How to catch the plane for a pregnant woman

D Never take planes when pregnant

解析:选A。A 文章标题题。A选项“孕妇乘飞机须知”契合文章内容;文章并不是主要教人分辨怀孕的症状,所以B选项错;也不是教孕妇如果赶飞机,所以C选项错;更不是禁止孕妇乘飞机,所以D选项也错;故选A。