不仅独自生活还能自驾车出行 109岁老人分享健康又长寿的秘诀
不仅独自生活还能自驾车出行 109岁老人分享健康又长寿的秘诀

A 109-year-old man is still living independently and even drives his own car. “How do I feel? Let’s go out to a dance somewhere. How about that? That’s how I feel,” Vincent Dransfield said in an interview. So what are his tips for a healthy, long life?

Vincent spent more than 80 years serving as a member of the local volunteer fire department. When asked what brought him happiness and kept him going in life, he quickly answered: “The fire department...I met so many friends.” “After my grandmother passed away, that’s really what kept him going. Every day, he would go to the fire house from 3 p.m. to 5 p.m., and all the old guys would sit there and hang out. That was like his family,” his granddaughter Erica Lista said.

Vincent never lifted weights at a gym. He never went for a run to exercise. But he stayed active. “I was 21 years old when I joined the fire department and that’s the exercise I got every day—answered the fire alarms,” he said. “I was active and ran out when the alarm went off for 40 years. Then for the next 40 years, I continued when I felt like it.” However, structured exercise amuses him. “He laughs at people who jog. He’s like, ‘Where are they running to?’” Erica said.

“What’s crazy is he was not careful about his diet,” Erica said. “He has eaten whatever he wants. He has never watched his weight. He’s never had to lose weight. He’s always been fit.” Vincent loves Italian food, hamburgers, salads, milk chocolate and other sweets. He drinks a cup of coffee every day and occasionally has a beer.

Vincent considers himself an optimist. “He always had such a positive upbeat attitude, even when my grandmother passed away,” Erica said. “I keep positive. I never think any other way when something’s wrong,” he said. “I’m doing fine and I hope the good Lord keeps me that way.”


1.Which can be a subtitle of Paragraph Two?

A Spend Time Doing What You Love

B What True Happiness Is

C Make More Friends When Young

D Do Love Your Family

解析:选A。A段落大意题。根据第二段内容及关键词句“what brought him happiness and kept him going in life”“that’s really what kept him going”并结合选项可知,第二段主要讲的是文森特把时间花费在让自己开心的事情上。故选A。

2.What’s Vincent’s opinion about exercise?

A You can lift weights at a gym to exercise.

B You get healthy by jogging every day.

C You don’t need to exercise, but keep moving.

D You can answer the fire alarms but never run.

解析:选C。C推理判断题。根据第三段前三句“Vincent never lifted weights at a gym. He never went for a run to exercise. But he stayed active.”可知,文森特从不锻炼,但他保持忙碌活跃。故选C。

3.Which of the following can best describe Vincent’s eating habits?

A Paying close attention to weight.

B Drinking coffee every day.

C Keeping a healthy diet.

D Following his heart.

解析:选D。D推理判断题。根据第四段中的关键词句“was not careful about his diet”“He has eaten whatever he wants.”等可知,文森特在饮食方面遵循自己的内心,想吃什么就吃什么。故选D。

4.An “optimist” refers to a person who ________ .

A often fears about the future

B accepts a situation as it really is

C expects things not to be successful

D always expects good things to happen

解析:选D。D词义猜测题。根据划线部分后文的“a positive upbeat attitude”“I keep positive.”“I’m doing fine”等可知,文森特是一个乐观向上的人,即optimistic指的是乐天派。故选D。