女子苦等肾源续命 海滩偶遇她的救星
女子苦等肾源续命 海滩偶遇她的救星

Lucy Humphrey is 44 years old. Her doctors told her that she had 5 years to live. She spent years on the waiting list for a kidney (肾). Doctors said the chance of finding a perfect kidney for her was 1 in 22 million. Luckily, she met her “perfect match” on a beach by accident.

On that day, she and her husband, Cenydd, took their dogs Jake and Indie to the beach. Indie kept running off to a strange woman and would not leave her alone. “Indie went over like three times, back and forward to her,” Lucy explained. “She was camping on her own. In the end Cenydd went over to say sorry, and we got chatting and invited her over to our barbecue.”

The three started chatting, eating and drinking. The woman was Katie James. She is 40 years old. Lucy said she couldn’t drink alcohol (酒) because she was on dialysis(透析). Katie said she had recently planned to make a kidney donation. Maybe that would match. So they gave each other their telephone numbers. “To be honest, I didn’t think anything else would come of it,” said Lucy.

After a lot of tests, the result came back: Katie was a perfect match. Katie, Lucy and Cenydd have become friends since the donation. They have a group chat called “the Kidney Group.”


1.What does the underlined part mean?

A It’s easy.

B It’s hopeless.

C It’s important.

D It’s necessary.

解析:选B。B句意理解题。根据前文“Her doctors told her that she had 5 years to live.”可知,医生告诉露西她只有五年的寿命了;根据后文“Luckily, she met her ‘perfect match’ on a beach by accident.”可知,很幸运她偶然遇到了一个完美匹配的肾源。由此可推知,划线部分说的是找到完美肾源的几率微乎其微,即是无望的。故选B。

2.Who brought Katie to Lucy?

A The doctors.

B Cenydd.

C Indie.

D Jake.

解析:选C。C细节理解题。根据第二段的“Indie went over like three times, back and forward to her”可知,是狗狗Indie不停地跑到Katie那里,这样才让露西认识了她。故选C。

3.What did Cenydd do?

A He invited Katie to a barbecue.

B He said sorry to Lucy.

C He camped on his own.

D He ran back and forth.

解析:选A。A细节理解题。根据第二段最后一句的“invited her over to our barbecue”可知,Cenydd邀请Katie和他们一起烤烧烤。故选A。

4.Why didn’t Lucy drink alcohol?

A Because she was sick.

B Because she didn’t like drink.

C Because the drink went bad.

D Because she gave up a kidney.

解析:选A。A细节理解题。根据第三段第四句“Lucy said she couldn’t drink alcohol because she was on dialysis.”可知,露西不能饮酒是因为她在做(肾)透析,即她生病了。故选A。

5.How’s the end of the story?

A Sad.

B Funny.

C Happy.

D Surprising.

解析:选C。C推理判断题。根据最后一段可知,Katie的肾源是和露西完美匹配,Katie向露西捐了一个肾,并且他们三个成为了好朋友。由此可知,故事有一个happy ending。故选C。