89岁老人冲浪挑战自我 成世界最年长冲浪者
89岁老人冲浪挑战自我 成世界最年长冲浪者

It’s 2023 now. Seiichi Sano is 89 years old. He just set the Guinness World Record of the “oldest person to surf (冲浪)”. Sano started learning surfing only nine years ago. At that time, he was looking for a way to challenge himself and stay in shape.

Sano met a bank worker. He didn’t look like other office workers. He always looked tan (晒黑的). Sano wanted to know why. The bank worker told him that his secret was surfing. Sano loved the idea and he started to try it.

Sano’s teacher was very surprised about Sano’s strong wish to learn how to surf. And he also worried Sano might injure (弄伤) himself. But he was happy that Sano did very well in the end.


1.When was Sano born?

A In 1989.

B In 1934.

C In 2014.

D In 1944.

解析:选B。B数字计算题。根据第一段第一二句“It’s 2023 now. Seiichi Sano is 89 years old.”可知佐野出生于(2023-89=)1934年。故选B。

2.Sano started to learn surfing to _______.

A become different

B keep healthy

C stay in shape

D look tan

解析:选C。C细节理解题。根据第一段最后一句的“he was looking for a way to challenge himself and stay in shape”可知,佐野学习冲浪的目的是挑战自己(challenge himself)和保持身材(stay in shape)。故选C。

3.Who told Sano about surfing?

A He knew it from the Internet.

B A bank worker told him.

C His teacher told him.

D His friend told him.

解析:选B。B细节理解题。根据第二段倒数第二句“The bank worker told him that his secret was surfing.”可知,是一位银行工作人员介绍给他冲浪这项运动的。故选B。

4.What did Sano think of the idea of surfing?

A He loved it.

B He didn’t like it.

C He paid no attention to it.

D We don’t know.

解析:选A。A细节理解题。根据第二段倒数最后一句“Sano loved the idea and he started to try it.”可知,佐野喜欢冲浪这个主意。故选A。

5.Sano’s teacher didn’t feel __________ for Sano.

A surprised

B worried

C happy

D sad
