Many cities have interesting nicknames. New Orleans probably has more nicknames than any other American city. One web site lists its more than twenty nicknames. The most famous is “The Big Easy”. It shows the slow and easy-going way of life in New Orleans.

So how did the city getthis nickname? In the early 1900s there was a dance hall in New Orleans called“The Big Easy”. But the nickname did not become famous until the early 1970s.That was when a newspaper writer began calling New Orleans by this name. Shecompared the easy-going way of life there to the hurried pace of life in New York City. In 1970, James Conaway wrote a book called “The Big Easy”. The storywas in New Orleans. In 1987, they made that book into a film. It made thenickname even more popular.

    New Orleans has other nicknames. Another nickname is“The Birthplace of Jazz”, because that kind of music started in New Orleans.And, there is a nickname that uses the short way to write New Orleans and Louisiana. It you do not want to use the complete  name, you can call the city “NOLA.”

1.How many nicknames does New Orleans have?

A Three nicknames.

B Five nicknames.

C More than ten nicknames.

D More than twenty nicknames.

解析:选D。细节理解题。 从第一段的第三行 “One web site lists its more than twenty nicknames.”可知,一个网站列举它的二十多个昵称,故选D。

2.Which is NOT New Orleans’s nickname?

A Sin City.

B The Big Easy.

C The Birthplace of Jazz.


解析:选A。整体理解题。文章第一段提到的昵称是“The Big Easy”,最后一段提到的昵称是 “The Birthplace of Jazz”和“NOLA”,因此没有 “Sin City”。故选A。

3.When did they make the book “The Big Easy” into a film?

A In the early 1700s.

B In 1970.

C In 1987.

D In the 1970s.

解析:选C。细节理解题。从第二段的倒数第二句 “In 1987, they made that book into a film.”可知,是在1987年把这本书制作成了电影。 故选C。

4.New Orleans _______.

A has the most nicknames in America

B has the same pace of life as New York

C is the most famous city in America

D is the biggest city in America

解析:选A。整体理解题。从第一段的”New Orleans probably has more nicknames than any other American city.”可知,新奥尔良比其他城市的昵称都多,因此A正确。而从第二段的第五句”She compared the easy-going way of life there to the hurried pace (步调) of life in New York City.”可知,B不正确;C.最出名的城市;D.最大的城市,文中都没提到。故选A。

5.Which sentence is wrong about “The Big Easy”?

A It shows the slow and easy-going way of life in New Orleans.

B It was a dance hall in New Orleans in the early 1900s.

C It was a newspaper writer’s name in 1970s.

D It was the name of one of James Conaway’s books.

解析:选C。整体理解题。从第一段最后一句可知A正确;从第二段的第二句可知B正确;从第二段的倒数第四句In 1970, James Conaway wrote a book called “The Big Easy”.可知D正确;从第二段的第四句 “That was when a newspaper writer began calling New Orleans by this name.”可知不是这个作者的名字。故选C。