英国铲屎官酗酒导致狗狗“酒精成瘾” 被救助后成功戒酒
英国铲屎官酗酒导致狗狗“酒精成瘾” 被救助后成功戒酒

Coco is a two-year-old dog. He almost lost his life and spent a month in the intensive care (重症监护) . Why? Because he liked drinking alcohol (酒精) and couldn’t control himself.

Workers at the Woodside Animal Welfare Trust in Plymouth found Coco and another dog after their owner died. They found that the two dogs both used to enjoy open bottles that their late owner left out in the yard before going to sleep. The situation was so bad that the other dog died. And Coco had to be sedated (给……服镇静剂) for four weeks.

The Woodside Animal Welfare Trust said that Coco had been with them for over a month before needing intensive care. He added that Coco was feeling much better now and didn’t need to take any medicine. “The care from workers here certainly made a difference to his recovery and health,” the animal rescue said. “No one knows how these dogs got into the situation with alcohol, but we do know that without our care Coco would likely have not got through this mournful period.”

Coco still has steps to take to complete his rehabilitation (康复) journey before he becomes ready for adoption(收养).


1.How long did Coco stay in the intensive care?

A For four days.

B For about four months.

C For a week.

D For about four weeks.

解析:选D。D 细节理解题。根据第一段第二句的“He almost lost his life and spent a month in the intensive care.”可知,可可接受了整整一个月的重症特别护理,大约四周。故选D。

2.What do Coco and another dog have in common?

A They were sedated for four weeks.

B They will be adopted later.

C They both hated alcohol.

D Their owner died.

解析:选D。D细节理解题。根据第二段第一句的“after their owner died”可知,两只狗的主人去世了。故选D。

3.How is Coco now?

A Safe.

B Terrible.

C Active.

D Quiet.

解析:选A。A 推理判断题。根据第三段第二句的“Coco was feeling much better now and didn’t need to take any medicine.”和最后一段第一句的“Coco still has steps to take to complete his rehabilitation journey”可知,这只狗经过治疗后,它已经成功戒酒,并停止了所有药物治疗,但仍然在恢复阶段,由此可见他现在很安全。故选A。

4.What does the underlined word “mournful” probably mean?

A Great.

B Sad.

C Creative.

D Lucky.


5.This passage may be a(n) __________.

A news report

B animal study

C poem

D notice
