“五一”出游升温 文旅强劲复苏
“五一”出游升温 文旅强劲复苏

China’s domestic consumption is expected to further revive during the upcoming May Day holidays, which will fall from April 29 to May 3, amid a boom in travel.

As of April 20, searches for domestic flights on Chinese online travel service Trip.com had risen more than 290 percent year-on-year, while recovering to 110 percent of the same period in 2019. Searches for hotels increased more than nine times year-on-year and nearly doubled compared with 2019, data by Trip.com showed. More than 80 percent of surveyed netizens plan to travel during the holidays, compared with just 38.1 percent last year, data from the iiMedia Research Institute showed on Sunday. 

Zhang Yi, CEO of the iiMedia Research Institute, said that traveling within provinces, cities and cross-provincial trips are the top trends. According to a survey by the institute, 39.7 percent of respondents preferred traveling within their provinces, 24.6 percent chose their local cities and 21.4 percent selected cross-provincial travel. 

Outbound tours are also picking up. The first group of post-pandemic Chinese tourists to visit Tanzania, and they arrived on Saturday local time, China Media Group reported. Data from Trip.com showed that searches for outbound flights had recovered to 120 percent of the same period of 2019. 

While the nation is set to witness a travel boom, Zhang outlined some challenges, stressing the importance for companies and responsible authorities to prepare and deploy (部署) appropriate responses. Local authorities and companies have been stepping up efforts to ensure a smooth travel experience for the holidays.


1.What do the statistics in Paragraph Two show?

A The welcomed means of transportation.

B The upcoming boom in tourism.

C The travel plans of netizens.

D The development of hotel industry.


2.What can we know from Zhang Yi’s words?

A The development of tourism is relatively slow.

B Only a few people choose to travel overseas.

C Most people prefer cross-provincial travel.

D Domestic tourism is the top trend.

解析:选D。D推理判断题。根据第三段第一句的“traveling within provinces, cities and cross-provincial trips are the top trends”可知张毅表示,省内旅游、城市旅游和跨省旅游是最热门的趋势,即国内游还是主流。故选D。

3.How does the author develop the fourth paragraph?

A By answering questions.

B By telling stories.

C By explaining a definition.

D By using examples and data.

解析:选D。D细节理解题。根据第四段的例子“The first group of post-pandemic Chinese tourists to visit Tanzania”和数据“had recovered to 120 percent of the same period of 2019”可知,第四段采用了举例和列数据的方法行文。故选D。

4.What will the author most probably talk about next?

A The importance of ensuring a smooth travel experience for tourists.

B The role of local authorities in the improvement of travel industry.

C Efforts to improve the travel industry during the May Day holiday.

D Possible reasons for a boom in travel during the upcoming holiday.

解析:选C。C推理判断题。根据最后一段最后一句“Local authorities and companies have been stepping up efforts to ensure a smooth travel experience for the holidays.”可知,文章最后提到当地政府和公司正在加紧努力,以确保节假日旅客的旅行顺利。由此可知,接下来很有可能讨论当地政府和公司具体做了哪些努力。故选C。