导盲犬进入大学课堂 意外调节课堂氛围
导盲犬进入大学课堂 意外调节课堂氛围

Melba is a university teacher. She is just 139.7cm tall. And she is almost blind (失明的). But she never lets that rule her life.

Melba gets help from Chad. Chad is a guide dog for the blind. When Chad was only a year old, he was sent to Melba. In the past seven years, they have had a happy life at Melba’s university. Melba’s students love them very much.

At first, Melba didn’t want to bring Chad to class with her. She thought students might pay much attention to him and didn’t listen to her in class. But in the end, she gave it a try. To her surprise, Chad brought much happiness to the class. Students said that they felt more relaxed with Chad in class.


1.What does Melba do?

A She is a cook.

B She is a teacher.

C She is a farmer.

D She is a student.

解析:选B。B细节理解题。根据第一段第一句“Melba is a university teacher.”可知,梅尔巴是一名大学教师。故选B。

2.How old is Chad now?

A One.

B Seven.

C Eight.

D Ten.

解析:选C。C数字计算题。根据第二段的“When he was only a year old, he was sent to Melba.”“In the past seven years”可知,当查德一岁的时候,他被送到了梅尔巴这里,他们一起度过了过去的七年,由此可知,今年查德八岁。故选C。

3.What do students think of Chad?

A They like him very much.

B They think him unfriendly.

C They don’t care about him.

D They can’t get on with him.

解析:选A。A细节理解题。根据第二段最后一句“Melba’s students love them very much.”可知,梅尔巴的学生很喜欢查德。故选A。

4.Melba didn’t want to bring Chad to class because she worried that ________.

A students would not listen to her

B Chad was too cute

C Chad had no time to rest

D students would not like him

解析:选A。A细节理解题。根据最后一段第二句“She thought students might pay much attention to him and didn’t listen to her in class.”可知,梅尔巴不想带查德去自己的课堂是因为怕学生过多的关注查德而不听课。故选A。

5.What does Melba think of having Chad in class?

A Scary.

B Wonderful.

C Boring.

D Quiet.

解析:选B。B推理判断题。根据最后一段“To her surprise, Chad brought much happiness to the class.”可知,查德的到来令梅尔巴感到惊讶,他带给课堂很多欢乐,由此推断,有查德在课堂上梅尔巴会感觉很棒。故选B。