
Coco, a two-year-old dog, almost lost his life and spent a month in the intensive care after becoming addicted to alcohol (酒精). Staff at the Woodside Animal Welfare Trust in Plymouth rescued Coco and another dog after their owner passed away, but they had no idea about the problems the two dogs had. It turned out that they were both alcohol addicts. They both used to enjoy open bottles that their late owner left out in the yard before going to sleep. The addiction was so bad that the other dog passed away and Coco himself had to be sedated (给……服镇静剂) for four weeks.

“We are so thankful that Coco is now out of danger. He is off all medication and now starting to behave like a normal dog,” the dog shelter staff wrote on the Internet. “He is not yet ready for adoption and while physically he seems to have recovered, mentally he is still very anxious at times.” The Woodside Animal Welfare Trust said that Coco had been with them for over a month before requiring intensive care for his alcohol addiction, adding that he was feeling much better now, thanks to the care of the staff.

 “This has most certainly made a difference to his recovery and health,” the animal rescue said. “No one knows the specifics on how these dogs got into the situation with alcohol but we do know that without our care Coco would likely have not got through his mournful period.” Coco is on his way to beating the alcohol addiction, but he still has steps to take to complete his rehabilitation (康复) journey, before he becomes ready for adoption.


1.What did Coco and another dog have in common?

A They were sedated for four weeks.

B They will be adopted later.

C They were both addicted to alcohol.

D Their owners both sold wine.

解析:选C。C细节理解题。根据第一段的“It turned out that they were both alcohol addicts.”可知,两只狗都酒精成瘾。故选C。

2.What is TRUE about Coco now?

A He is physically and mentally healthy.

B He is taking medicine to stay away from anxiety.

C He is waiting for someone to adopt him.

D He behaves normally but feels anxious sometimes.

解析:选D。D 细节理解题。根据第二段的“while physically he seems to have recovered, mentally he is still very anxious at times.”可知,Coco现在身体已经康复,但是心理上仍然会有紧张情绪。故选D。

3.What does the underlined word “mournful” probably mean?

A Wonderful.

B Painful.

C Familiar.

D Ordinary.


4.What type of writing is this text?

A A news report.

B A life guide.

C A technology report.

D An exhibition guide.
