失明教授带导盲犬进课堂 获学生超完美评价
失明教授带导盲犬进课堂 获学生超完美评价

Melba Vélez Ortiz stands just 139.7cm tall. She is a university teacher. Born with a serious illness, Melba is almost blind. However, she refuses to let the condition rule her life.

The biggest help is from dog Chad. Chad is eight years old. He was provided to her by Guide Dogs for the Blind when he was only a year old. In the past seven years, Melba and Chad have moved hundreds of students at Melba’s university.

At first, Melba wasn’t sure about bringing Chad to class with her. She thought he would draw students’ attention. “I’m already fighting with video games and God knows what else. No, I’m not bringing a cute puppy into my class,” Melba said.

But in the end, she decided to give it a shot anyway. She set the dog up with a bed and some toys to keep him busy while she taught. To her surprise, just having Chad in the room improved the class. “People fear public speaking more than they fear death,” Melba explained. “So to have Chad come on in, even sitting in the corner, I could feel the stress of the students go down.”

Students said that Chad provides many benefits for them. During time of stress, they look forward to seeing him and getting a little puppy love in between classes. In fact, on a website, where students share experiences about teachers, Melba  and Chad get all As! “Fantastic!” one student wrote as a review. “If every teacher was like Chad the world would be a better place.”

Melba’s students learn so much from having someone like her in the classroom, active and doing her thing. Especially students with disabilities: “Wow, she’s really out here doing the thing. Maybe I can too.”


1.Chad’s job is to ________.

A help Melba become healthy

B give classes to students

C help Melba with her daily life

D try to control Melba’s life

解析:选C。C 细节理解题。根据第一段倒数第二句的“Melba is almost blind.”和第二段第三句的“He was provided to her by Guide Dogs for the Blind”可知梅尔巴近乎盲人,查德是盲人导盲犬组织提供给她的。由此可知,导盲犬查德是为了协助梅尔巴的日常生活。故选C。

2.Melba didn’t want to take Chad to class because ________.

A Chad was too cute

B Chad would trouble students

C Chad liked playing with video games

D Melba was too busy to take care of him

解析:选B。B 细节理解题。根据第三段第二句“She thought he would draw students’ attention.”可知,梅尔巴担心查德会让学生分心,所以刚开始并不想带他去教室。故选B。

3.What does the underlined part “give it a shot” probably mean?

A Give up.

B Have a try.

C Look for help.

D Prevent the trouble.

解析:选B。B 词义猜测题。根据划线部分上文可知,梅尔巴最初不愿将查德带去她的课堂,根据划线部分后文可知,她确实把查德带去了她的课堂,结合“But in the end”可知,到最后她决定“试一试”。故选B。

4.What does the fifth paragraph talk about?

A What students think of Chad.

B How Chad changed students’ life.

C Why students fell in love with Chad.

D What Chad was going to do for Melba.

解析:选A。A 段落大意题。根据第五段关键词句“many benefits”“look forward to”“Chad get all As”“Fantastic”等可知,该段主要描述的是学生们对查德的看法。故选A。

5.What kind of person is Melba?

A Brave and active.

B Confident and strict.

C Creative and humorous.

D Quiet and hard-working.

解析:选A。A 推理判断题。根据第一段的“she refuses to let the condition rule her life”可知梅尔巴很勇敢,根据最后一段的“someone like her in the classroom, active and doing her thing”可知她很积极主动。故选A。