宠物猫疾病缠身 善良主人在线筹款
宠物猫疾病缠身 善良主人在线筹款

A woman named JB is hoping for just such an Internet miracle. JB recently shared the story of her cat, Lu, who lives with many health problems and has very special needs.

“Lu is a 7-year-old house cat who lives with a lot of health issues,” JB wrote on GoFundMe. “First of all, she has five legs, which is surprisingly the least of her problems. She also has a heart problem. One of her ‘normal’ back legs has a condition that doesn’t allow it to extend (伸展) fully, so she mostly pulls herself around with her front legs.”

JB went on to say that Lu could move more quickly and easily when she was younger, but as she’s aged it’s more difficult for the animal to get around. She also can’t clean herself normally, so she requires a lot of help with the litter box. JB doesn’t mind the extra work because she loves her pet so much. “Despite her numerous health issues, Lu is the sweetest cat I have ever encountered,” JB wrote.

Unluckily, in September 2022 the oncologist (肿瘤医师) said Lu had cancer. Surgery to remove the cancer is necessary but very risky with all of Lu’s issues. She requires a lot of medical testing. And it would cost between $4,000 and $7,000. That’s quite a sum of money for JB.

With surgery, and a long road of recovery before them, JB started an online fundraiser (筹款活动) to help with the costs. She’s also sharing videos of her special cat on TikTok, and her videos have been viewed millions of times so far. She’s hoping her audience will help her pay for Lu’s expensive treatment so she can have a bit more time with her.


1.What can we know about Lu?

A She is seven months old.

B She has one more leg than other cats.

C She has a healthy body.

D She moves with her front legs.

解析:选B。B细节理解题。根据第二段的“she has five legs”可知,她有五条腿(比别的猫多一条)。故选B。

2.What does JB think of the cleaning work of Lu?

A She doesn’t mind it.

B She hates it.

C She loves it.

D She thinks it’s dirty.

解析:选A。A推理判断题。根据第三段的“JB doesn’t mind the extra work because she loves her pet so much.”可知,JB并不介意为她的猫做大量额外的工作,因为她非常爱她的宠物。故选A。

3.How did JB raise money for Lu’s treatment?

A By borrowing money from relatives.

B By selling her house.

C By doing part-time jobs.

D By starting an online fundraiser.

解析:选D。D细节理解题。根据第五段的“JB started an online fundraiser to help with the costs.”可知,给这只猫做手术需要4000到7000美元,这是一笔很大的开支,因此JB发起了一场在线筹款活动。故选D。

4.What kind of person is JB?

A Confident and clever.

B Boring and unfriendly.

C Kind and responsible.

D Serious and strict.
