
A 3-year-old boy went shopping with his mother. He left his bike outside of the store. When they came out of the store, his bike was gone. The boy was sad. So they went to the police station.

The police posted (发布) the boy’s story on the Internet. A woman saw the post. She wanted to do something to help. But she lived a hard life. She had no house. She lived in her car. But that didn’t stop her helping others. She purchased a new bike, helmet and lock (锁) in a supermarket. She drove to the police station and gave them to the sad boy. 

Many other people also asked how they could help. They bought bikes and sent them to the police station. They wanted to give the bikes to kids in need.


1.Who did the boy go shopping with?

A His mother.

B His father.

C His aunt.

D His uncle.

解析:选A。A细节理解题。根据第一段第一句的“A 3-year-old boy went shopping with his mother.”可知,这个小男孩和他的妈妈一起购物。故选A。

2.What did they do when the bike was gone?

A They bought a new one.

B They asked the police for help.

C They called the workers of the store.

D They cried in the street.

解析:选B。B细节理解题。根据第一段最后一句的“So they went to the police station.”可知,发现自行车被偷后,他们报了警。故选B。

3.How was the woman’s life?

A Lucky.

B Happy.

C Poor.

D Easy.

解析:选C。C推理判断题。根据第二段的“But she lived a hard life. She had no house. She lived in her car.”可知,她生活很艰难,没钱租房子,因此她住车里。故选C。

4.What does the underlined word “purchased” mean?

A Picked.

B Stayed.

C Made.

D Bought.

解析:选D。D词义猜测题。根据划线部分后面的“in a supermarket”可知,她在超市“购买”了一辆新自行车、头盔和锁,送给这位小男孩。故选D。

5.What can we learn from the passage?

A Kindness can be found everywhere.

B A friend in need is a friend indeed.

C It’s never too old to learn.

D Time is money.
