
For some people, holiday travel includes more than simply hitting the road or braving the airport to get to their destination: It also means overnight stays with family or friends. Whether it’s a way to save money, or spend more time with loved ones—it’s important to keep in mind that you’re a guest in someone’s home. Even if your host invited you to stay and said that it was “no trouble at all”, know that accommodating you does take time and energy (and possibly money), and the least you can do is not make things harder for them.     ▲    

Showing up unannounced(未打招呼的)

This really should go without saying—and applies to any type of visit to someone’s home, any time of the year—but don’t show up at someone’s door unannounced, and/or assume you can stay with them without asking first. There are many reasons not to do this out of respect for your (potential) host, but if that’s not motivation enough, consider the possibility that they may not be home, or have made other plans, and may not be able to put you up.

Ignoring house rules

Did your host ask you to leave your outside shoes at the door? Or perhaps they requested that you say something in a low voice after 9 p.m.? Unless you have an excuse—which you should discuss with your host—you need to follow their house rules. If they didn’t mention any when you first arrived, initiate that conversation yourself.

Acting like you’re staying in a hotel

When you’re an overnight guest in a friend or relative’s home, you cannot expect the service of a hotel. Your host is doing you a favor by letting you stay in their home for free, so don’t expect someone to make your bed or clean up after you, meals prepared for you, or to have the run of the place.


1.What can be put back into the “ ▲ ”?

A Here are a few mistakes to avoid when you’re staying in someone’s home.

B Be polite to your host(s) and any other people who may be staying with them.

C How to get through the stay and leave on good terms with your host?

D Do these things as a guest in someone’s house to impress them.

解析:选A。A推理判断题。根据第二段的“Showing up unannounced”,第三段的“Ignoring house rules”和第四段的“Acting like you’re staying in a hotel”可知,这里提到的都是一些去亲友家里拜访时需要避免的一些错误。故选A。

2.Which has the closest meaning to the underlined word “initiate”?

A Investigate.

B Prevent.

C Start.

D Check.

解析:选C。C词义猜测题。根据划线部分前面的“which you should discuss with your host”可知,除非你有一个坚如磐石的借口,你应该和主人讨论,否则你需要遵守他们的家庭规则。如果你刚到的时候他们没有提到他们的家庭规则,那么你应该自己主动“开始”关于这一话题的对话。故选C。

3.Which behaviour is suggested by the writer?

A Come to your host’s home as a surprise.

B Inform your host in advance before your visit.

C Require your host to clean up after you leave.

D Tell your host to prepare your meal as you like.

解析:选B。B细节理解题。根据第二段的“but don’t show up at someone’s door unannounced”可知,不能不打招呼就突然出现在别人家门外,即在去拜访前应该提前告知主人,以免给别人造成不便。故选B。

4.What type of writing is this text?

A An exhibition guide.

B A life guide.

C A technology report.

D A school report.
