披萨店开业不久便面临倒闭 网红一个视频让其起死回生
披萨店开业不久便面临倒闭 网红一个视频让其起死回生

Frank Steele dreamed of opening his own pizza place for more than 30 years, but when he finally did, his business didn’t exactly take off.

After he opened Frankensons in late 2022, the family-run small business struggled to pay its rent each month. Then, a worker reached out to Douyin food critic(评论家) Keith Lee to see if he’d try their food. Keith swung by on a Monday afternoon, and he was instantly impressed by the service.

Frank had a hard time keeping the doors open, but that didn’t stop him from being friendly and generous with everyone who came into the pizza place. When Keith came in, Frank served him himself. Frank said he didn’t know who Keith was, but when he asked the younger man what he does for a living, Keith said that he is a food critic. The two chatted for a while, and then Keith went home to try Frank’s food.

In a Douyin video that would go on to earn over 30 million views, Keith told the whole story of how Frankensons was struggling to pay their rent when that worker reached out to him. He promised to give his usual honest, unfiltered(未过滤的) review of the food, even though he was touched by their small business story. Just a few bites in, and Keith was already a fan! When he had tried everything, he said the restaurant a “9.8 out of 10”. He deduced that the restaurant’s problem isn’t the food, it’s simply an issue of not enough marketing to bring in customers.

Just hours after Keith posted his video, Frank’s business started to boom! Hundreds of people visited the restaurant to try his food. Frank called in help from family and friends to meet the demand, but they had to close early because they ran out of food to make!


1.What can we know about Frankensons?

A It was opened two years ago.

B It went well since it was opened.

C It has a good service.

D It was only open on Monday.

解析:选C。C细节理解题。根据第二段最后一句“Keith swung by on a Monday afternoon, and he was instantly impressed by the service.”和第三段第一句的“but that didn’t stop him from being friendly and generous with everyone who came into the pizza place”可知,弗兰克对每一个走进披萨店的人都很友好和慷慨,所以在那个周一的下午,弗兰克的服务给基思留下了深刻印象。故选C。

2.What caused Frankensons to lose business according to Keith?

A Ugly design.

B The poor menu.

C Unhealthy food.

D Few advertisements.

解析:选D。D细节理解题。根据第四段最后一句“He deduced that the restaurant’s problem isn’t the food, it’s simply an issue of not enough marketing to bring in customers.”可知,基思认为,餐厅的问题不在于食物,而在于没有足够的营销来吸引顾客。故选D。

3.Which has the same meaning with the underlined word “boom”?

A Bring down.

B Become better.

C Become smaller.

D Fall down.

解析:选B。B词义猜测题。根据划线单词后面的“Hundreds of people visited the restaurant to try his food. Frank called in help from family and friends to meet the demand, but they had to close early because they ran out of food to make!”可知,很多人来到这家餐厅品尝弗兰克的食物。弗兰克的家人和朋友都来餐厅帮忙了,但他们还是不得不提前关门,因为食物卖光了。由此可知他家店的生意变得越来越好了。故选B。

4.Where can we read the passage?

A In a local newspaper.

B In a book review.

C In a public notice.

D In a sports magazine.
