深夜房屋着火险情急 路人勇敢救出老妇人
深夜房屋着火险情急 路人勇敢救出老妇人

That night, Kai Brown was in his house. He was in the living room. Then he saw an orange light. It was fire! He called the police and helped his grandma Jennie Brown to get out of the house. He tried his best. But Jennie fell down in the end. He was too young to get his grandma out of the house.

At that time, Ronnie Coulam was walking outside. When he saw the fire, he ran into the home. It was black and dark in the house. The grandma had black all over her face. Coulam got her to the door. The police sent her to the hospital.


1.Where was Kai?

A In the garden.

B In the kitchen.

C In the bedroom.

D In the living room.

解析:选D。D细节理解题。根据第一段第二句“He was in the living room.”可知,卡伊在客厅。故选D。

2.Kai was Jennie’s ________.

A grandma

B grandson

C grandfather

D granddaughter

解析:选B。B细节理解题。根据第一段第五句的“He...helped his grandma Jennie Brown to get out of the house.”可知,詹妮是卡伊的祖母,则卡伊是詹妮的孙子。故选B。

3.Kai couldn’t get Jennie out of the house because _______.

A it was dark

B he was tired

C he was young

D Jennie was strong

解析:选C。C细节理解题。根据第一段最后一句“He was too young to get his grandma out of the house.”可知,卡伊年龄太小了,帮不了祖母。故选C。

4.What did Coulam do?

A He brought light to the house.

B He called the police.

C He saved Jennie.

D He got Kai out.

解析:选C。C细节理解题。根据第二段倒数第二句“Coulam got her to the door.”可知,库伦把詹妮从着火的房子里救了出去。故选C。

5.Who sent Jennie to the hospital?

A Doctors.

B Coulam.

C Kai.

D The police.

解析:选D。D细节理解题。根据最后一段最后一句“The police sent her to the hospital.”可知,警察把詹妮送去了医院。故选D。