三岁小孩遭生父绑架 警察搜寻13天无果
三岁小孩遭生父绑架 警察搜寻13天无果

When Amanda Leigh Ennis dropped her then-3-year-old son, Noah Clare, off at his dad’s house for the weekend, she had no idea he was planning to kidnap the kid and flee. After receiving a call from a family member, Amanda feared she’d never see her sweet boy ever again.

The relative told the worried mom that Amanda’s former husband, Jake Clare, had disappeared with Noah and his cousin, then-16-year-old Amber. Amber had left behind a note stating they were “going on an adventure,” but the family had no idea where they were headed.

An Amber Alert(儿童绑架案警戒) was eventually issued for Noah, and his family spent 13 days worried sick as authorities searched far and wide. It seemed that Jake and the children had disappeared without a trace, but then a total stranger hundreds of miles away spotted them near a park.

Julia Bonin was on her way to drop her son off at school when she saw Noah, Amber, and Jake walking near Doheny State Park. She’d seen the Amber Alert online, and she felt a strong instinct(直觉) that this was the missing boy from the news. After dropping off her son, she circled back to where she’d seen them and called the police.

“My heart was pounding,” Julia remembered. “I had a strong feeling that it was, but I was questioning my instincts. I was starting to shake.” Thankfully, her mom instinct was spot on! When authorities caught up to the group, they found Noah and Amber and took Jake into the police station.

Julia’s actions remind us how important it is to speak up if we see something abnormal. She wasn’t positive that the child she saw was Noah, but she listened to that little voice that told her something wasn’t right. She’s truly the hero Noah needed in that moment!


1.How many people were going on the “adventure”?

A Two.

B Three.

C Four.

D Five.

解析:选B。B词义猜测题。根据第二段第一句“The relative told the worried mom that Amanda’s former husband, Jake Clare, had disappeared with Noah and his cousin, then-16-year-old Amber.”可知,阿曼达的前夫和诺亚以及当时16岁的表妹一起失踪了。故选B。

2.What does the underlined part mean?

A Police were on the track of them.

B They went to somewhere far.

C They disappeared completely.

D They were too smart to be found.

解析:选C。C推理判断题。根据划线部分前面的“his family spent 13 days worried sick as authorities searched far and wide”可知,他的家人在当局四处搜寻的13天中担心的要命,由此可推知杰克和孩子们似乎消失得无影无踪(完全消失)。故选C。

3.How did Julia feel when she called the police?

A Frightened.

B Moved.

C Embarrassed.

D Excited.

解析:选A。A细节理解题。根据第五段的“My heart was pounding”和“I was starting to shake.”可知,茱莉亚的心砰砰直跳,她开始发抖,由此可知她很紧张害怕。故选A。

4.What can be learned from the passage?

A Speak as loudly as we can.

B A bad thing never dies.

C Never too old to learn.

D Believe in your instinct.

解析:选D。D段落大意题。根据最后一段第一句的“how important it is to speak up if we see something abnormal”可知,朱莉娅的行为提醒我们,如果我们看到有什么不对劲,就要大声说出来,即要相信自己的直觉。故选D。