
Hotels have cleaning staffs, of course, and those employees usually do their best to make sure your stay away from home is a clean and comfortable one—     . If you’re a major germaphobe(有洁癖的人) or staying in an ordinary hotel, you might want to do a little cleaning of your own when you check in. But which areas really need it the most?

#1 __________                                       

Keep a small package of disinfectant(消毒剂) wipes with you when you travel and use them to get the surfaces you touch often when you get to your room. This is a simple way to get some peace of mind, so take your time and look for anything that might be a high-touch item for you.

#2 __________                                        

Most hotel rooms have coffee machines and cups available and often, those cups are sealed individually and designed to be thrown away after they have been used, but there’s a good chance the pot itself could use a cleaning. Run the coffee maker through a cleaning cycle before you use it, and if you have wine glasses and plates available, make sure to wash them out.

#3 __________                                       

If it’s possible, you might want to bring your own sheets or towels. Before you instantly write that off, consider that a 2019 survey of 1,008 people by QS Supplies showed that one in 10 people already do bring their own sheets to hotels—and that was pre-pandemic, before we all became a little more germ(细菌) conscious. Another tip that goes along with it is to bring a pair of slippers(拖鞋) that is just for walking around your room, the same as you might when you shower at the gym.


1.What can be put back into the “ ▲ ”?

A but there are still things they can miss

B these surfaces probably need extra attention

C it seems like very few hotel rooms are clean

D clean these things when you check in a hotel

解析:选A。A推理判断题。根据前一句的“those employees usually do their best to make sure your stay away from home is a clean and comfortable one”以及后面的“you might want to do a little cleaning of your own”可知,酒店有清洁人员,这些员工通常会尽最大努力确保你在酒店住得干净舒适,但如果你有严重的洁癖或住在一家比较一般的酒店,你可能想在办理入住手续时自己打扫一下,因此“酒店工作人员仍然会错过(打扫)一些东西”最符合文意。故选A。

2.How does the writer let us know many people bring their own items to hotels?

A By telling us a story.

B By answering some questions.

C By showing us the result of a survey.

D By giving us an example of his/her own.

解析:选C。C细节理解题。根据第四段第二句的“Before you instantly write that off, consider that a 2019 survey of 1,008 people by QS Supplies showed that one in 10 people already do bring their own sheets to hotels”可知,2019年对1008人进行的一项调查显示,十分之一的人已经把自己的床单带到了酒店。故选C。

3.Which is the right order of #1, #2, and #3? ①Consider bringing items from home ②Head for the kitchen ③Wipe(擦掉) the most-touched surfaces

A ③②①

B ①②③

C ③①②

D ②③①


4.Who may be most interested in the passage?

A People who think the hotels dirty.

B People who don’t have much money.

C People who’re a germaphobe in daily life.

D People who often stay at hotels.
