8岁斑秃女孩剃光头 自信展现真正的美丽
8岁斑秃女孩剃光头 自信展现真正的美丽

When Carleigh Edwards was 7 years old, her hair started to fall out. The doctor said that she had alopecia areata (斑秃), which would make her hair fall out. Her parents tried to find help for their child, but Carleigh’s hair continued to fall out.

Her mother feared that Carleigh couldn’t enjoy her school life because of this. But when Carleigh went back to school, she surprised everyone. She was so brave and said to her class, “I have alopecia areata. It makes my hair fall out. So please don’t be mean to me. And don’t make fun of me.” Then she broke down and started crying. Her mom Courtney Edwards took a video about this and posted it on the Internet.

When the video became popular online, the girl received support from people far and wide. A friend introduced Carleigh to another child who has the same condition, and the two girls got to know each other. The other girl encouraged Carleigh to take control of her condition by cutting off her hair completely, and after some thought, Carleigh decided to go for it!

“My name is Carleigh,” the child said just before cutting her hair. “I have alopecia. I am ready to cut my hair. Because I am still beautiful.” As Courtney recorded it on her phone, Carleigh bravely cut off all of her hair. Her brothers and sisters can be seen in the video encouraging her and telling her how beautiful she looks.

After she was done, her father and brother surprised her by cutting their hair, too. And Carleigh went back to school wearing her turban(包头巾) to cover her head, and nobody laughed at her! In fact, her classmates supported her, and her teacher even started wearing a turban too.

Carleigh says her entire idea of beauty has changed due to her condition. At 8 years old, she has already discovered what some people never learn: true beauty means “bravery and love and kindness”.


1.How did Carleigh’s mother feel about her school life at first?

A Excited.

B Worried.

C Shocked.

D Embarrassed.

解析:选B。B细节理解题。根据第二段第一句的“Her mother feared that Carleigh couldn’t enjoy her school life because of this.”可知,她的妈妈担心女儿因为脱发在学校被同学嘲笑欺负。故选B。

2.Who inspired Carleigh to face herself bravely?

A Another girl with alopecia areata.

B Her mother.

C Her mother’s friend.

D Her teacher.

解析:选A。A细节理解题。根据第三段第二句的“another child who has the same condition”和第三句的“The other girl encouraged Carleigh to take control of her condition by cutting off her hair completely”可知,凯丽认识了另一个患有同样疾病的孩子,这个女孩鼓励凯丽通过完全剪掉头发来控制自己的病情,经过一番思考,凯丽决定这样做。故选A。

3.How did Carleigh’s teacher support her?

A By cutting her own hair.

B By asking her students to cut their hair.

C By staying in the hospital with her.

D By covering her own head.

解析:选D。D细节理解题。根据第五段最后一句的“her teacher even started wearing a turban too.”可知,为了不让凯丽觉得自己很异类,她的老师也开始像她一样戴头巾。故选D。

4.What did Carleigh learn from her experience?

A The importance of bravery.

B The special meaning of love.

C The true meaning of beauty.

D The only way of being kind.

解析:选C。C推理判断题。根据最后一段第一句的“her entire idea of beauty has changed due to her condition”以及最后一句的“true beauty means ‘bravery and love and kindness’”可知,由于凯丽生病的经历,她对美的整个观念都发生了变化,她认识到了什么是真正的美。故选C。