
Jeanette is 78 years old this year (2023). She is from the UK. Len, 79, is from Australia.

In 1963, they met for the first time in the UK. They fell in love. They were going to get married(结婚). However, Jeanette’s parents didn’t agree. They thought Jeanette was too young. And they didn’t want Jeanette to move to Australia either.

The years went by. Len married someone in Australia. Jeanette married someone in the UK. 52 years later, Len was divorced(离婚的). He travelled back to the UK and looked for his first love. It was hard, but he found her. However, Jeanette was still married at the time. She turned him away. 

Two years later, Jeanette’s husband died. She went back to Len. In 2018, they lived together. Last year, Len asked her to marry him. She said yes.


1.Where does Jeanette come from?

A The UK.

B Australia.

C China.

D Canada.

解析:选A。A细节理解题。根据第一段第二句“She is from the UK.”可知珍妮特来自英国。故选A。

2.Len was ________ when he met Jeanette for the first time.

A 78

B 79

C 19

D 18

解析:选C。C数字计算题。根据第一段第三句“Len, 79, is from Australia.”和第二段第一句“In 1963, they met for the first time in the UK.”可知伦恩今年79岁,他们于1963年第一次相遇,即伦恩出生于(2023-79=)1944年,故1963年时,伦恩(1963-1944=)19岁。故选C。

3.Why didn’t Len and Jeanette get married in 1963?

A They were too young.

B They didn’t love each other.

C They moved their house.

D Jeanette’s parents didn’t agree.

解析:选D。D细节理解题。根据第二段倒数第三句的“Jeanette’s parents didn’t agree.”可知,珍妮特的父母不同意他们结婚。故选D。

4.Len went back to the UK to _______.

A take a trip

B get married

C look for Jeanette

D live with Jeanette

解析:选C。C细节理解题。根据第三段的“He travelled back to the UK and looked for his first love.”可知,伦恩再次回到英国是为了寻找初恋珍妮特。故选C。

5.What can we know from the last paragraph?

A Jeanette and Len lived together last year.

B Jeanette and Len fell in love again.

C Jeanette’s husband died in 2018.

D Jeanette married Len in 2019.
