美术老师才华横溢 自制鲨鱼雪雕爆火
美术老师才华横溢 自制鲨鱼雪雕爆火

Jennifer Ramirez is an art teacher and known for her creativity. She has been making snow sculptures in her suburban yard for the past 10 years. During the COVID-19 pandemic, she made chalk drawings for her privacy fence, drawing admiration and affection from her neighbors. She says she does these public displays of her artwork to inspire her students and make people smile.

On January 26, she shoveled (铲) the fresh snow from her driveway and her neighbor’s driveway. The next day, she used the snow to make sharks. It took about four hours to carve the sharks. Once she shared photos of her work on Facebook, the story went viral with thousands of likes and shares. Everyone agrees this is a clever and fun way to make use of all that white stuff. Weeks later, the sharks are still circling Jennifer’s front lawn, and she’s seen her work printed in major magazines and featured on the evening news. The state governor, Gretchen Whitmer, even came to take a picture! “Well, you know you’ve done something pretty good when the Governor shows up on your lawn to pose with your shark sculptures,” Jennifer wrote on Facebook.

Jennifer goes out every day after work to repair her sculptures in hopes of keeping them around for as long as possible. If they get more snow in her area, she already has ideas to add to the sharky scene. “If they’re going to stay up, I’m going to try and do some penguins, and maybe some seals with the sharks,” she said. “… If they melt then I have a different idea but I don’t want to share it because I just want everybody to be surprised.”


1.Why does Jennifer display her artwork in public?

A To draw admiration.

B To get affection from students.

C To show off her talent.

D To bring people happiness.

解析:选D。D细节理解题。根据第二段最后一句“She says she does these public displays of her artwork to inspire her students and make people smile.”可知,她公开展示自己的艺术作品是为了激励她的学生以及带给人们快乐。故选D。

2.What does the underlined phrase “went viral” mean?

A Got recorded.

B Won an award.

C Grew popular.

D Became interesting.

解析:选C。C词义猜测题。根据划线部分后面的“with thousands of likes and shares”和“she’s seen her work printed in major magazines and featured on the evening news”可知,她在脸书上分享了自己的作品照片,获得了数千点赞和分享,并且她在各大杂志上看到了她的作品,还登上了晚间新闻,由此可知这个作品爆火。故选C。

3.Why doesn’t Jennifer share her next plan?

A Because her plan is not good enough.

B Because she is afraid people won’t like it.

C Because she considers it her privacy.

D Because she wants to surprise others.

解析:选D。D细节理解题。根据最后一段最后一句“If they melt then I have a different idea but I don’t want to share it because I just want everybody to be surprised.”可知,如果这些鲨雕融化了,她还有一个不同的想法,但她不想分享,因为她想留一个悬念,到时候让每个人都感到惊讶。故选D。

4.What’s a suitable title of the text?

A Talented Teacher Fond of Making Snow Sharks in Yard.

B Art Teacher’s Yard Project Becomes Talk of the Town.

C State Governor Attracted to Pose with Shark Sculpture.

D Creative Teacher Becomes Well-known for Sculptures.
