60年前的初恋爱人 年近耄耋终成正果
60年前的初恋爱人 年近耄耋终成正果

Len Allbrighton, 79, and Jeanette Steer, 78, first met in 1963. They were training together as nurses at St. Mary’s Hospital in the Isle of Wight, an island in the English Channel. Len was 19 and Jeanette was 18 at the time. They fell in love. A few months later, Len asked Jeanette to marry him. She said yes. Later, Len moved to Australia to buy land and built a house for them to live in once they were married. However, Jeanette’s parents put a stop to their relationship as she was only 18. Her parents wouldn’t let her move to Australia either.

The years went by and Len married someone in Australia and Jeanette married someone on the Isle of Wight. But 52 years later, Len was divorced(离婚的) and looking for love again. He decided to travel back to the Isle of Wight and look for his first love.

It was not easy to find but he did. Len was standing by the front door looking at the house when Jeanette noticed him and asked who he was. “I nearly died when I realized it was him standing there,” she said. However, Jeanette was still married at the time and turned him away. 

But two years later, Jeanette’s husband died. So, she reached back out to Len. In 2018, she agreed to move up to Stevenage to live with him, and last year Len once again got down on one knee and asked her to marry him. “Married life is fantastic—it couldn’t be better,” Jeanette said. “We fell in love again,” Len said.


1.What was Jeanette doing when she first met Len?

A She was seeing a doctor in the hospital.

B She was training Len to be a nurse.

C She was traveling around the Isle of Wight.

D She was learning to be a nurse.

解析:选D。D细节理解题。根据第一段第二句的“They were training together as nurses”可知,当珍妮特和伦恩相识的时候,他们俩都在圣玛利医院接受护士培训,即学习当一名护士。故选D。

2.Why didn’t Len and Jeanette get married when young?

A Len didn’t have a house to live.

B Jeanette’s parents didn’t agree.

C Len was too young to get married.

D They didn’t love each other anymore.

解析:选B。B细节理解题。根据第一段最后两句“However, Jeanette’s parents put a stop to their relationship as she was only 18. Her parents wouldn’t let her move to Australia either.”可知,珍妮特的父母不同意两人的婚约,且不同意让女儿搬到澳大利亚居住。故选B。

3.When did Len get divorced?

A In 1963.

B In 2015.

C In 2003.

D In 2018.

解析:选B。B数字计算题。根据第一段的“first met in 1963”和第二段的“But 52 years later, Len was divorced(离婚的)”可知,伦恩于(1963+52=)2015年离婚。故选B。

4.Jeanette refused Len when he stood by the front door because _______.

A she was married

B she loved her husband

C she was going to die

D she didn’t like Len anymore

解析:选A。A细节理解题。根据第三段最后一句“However, Jeanette was still married at the time and turned him away.”可知,当时珍妮特已婚,所以她拒绝了伦恩。故选A。

5.How did Jeanette feel about being together with Len?

A Unusual.

B Peaceful.

C Wonderful.

D Unbelievable.

解析:选C。C推理判断题。根据最后一段珍妮特说的话“Married life is fantastic—it couldn’t be better”可知,珍妮特认为和伦恩的婚后生活相当不错。故选C。