特别的婚纱意外丢失 女子网上求助后找回
特别的婚纱意外丢失 女子网上求助后找回

Tanya Walsh has lost sleep for nights on end after finding out that her wedding(婚礼) dress had been given away by accident.

While Walsh says all wedding dresses are special, and this one is especially special, she said. “This was a special dress for some reasons, but most importantly a dress my mother bought me right before she passed away,” she wrote in a post. “I didn’t want a wedding dress at first, since we were having a small wedding. But because she never had a dress herself, I decided to get one. She passed away 2 months after I got married and this dress was to act and serve as something to keep forever that would help remind me of her and a special heirloom(传家宝) for my own children. I have 2 girls now and I am devastated that I don’t have this for them one day, marriage or not. I NEED TO FIND THIS DRESS!”

For years, the dress was stored in her late mother’s closet at her father’s home. But in February, Walsh learned her father had given the dress to a store. Walsh called all of the local stores but no one had seen the dress. That’s when she decided to try her luck on social media.

Walsh’s post was shared more than 1,500 times and just two days later she was informed that someone had found her dress. “The dress has been found by a lovely volunteer, Sheila at St. Vincent de Paul store,” Walsh said. “It was kept in the basement safely. Sheila came to work this morning and found it.” “Thank you to everyone who helped share the story. I am really excited to get it back!” Walsh said.


1.Why is the wedding dress especially special to Walsh?

A Because it was a dress for her wedding.

B Because it was bought by her mother.

C Because it was prepared for her daughters.

D Because it was designed by a famous designer

解析:选B。B细节理解题。根据第二段的“This was a special dress for some reasons, but most importantly a dress my mother bought me right before she passed away”可知,Walsh的这件婚纱之所以非常特别,是因为这是她妈妈去世之前给她买的。故选B。

2.What does the underlined word “devastated” probably mean?

A Very afraid.

B Really sad.

C So nervous.

D A bit angry.

解析:选B。B词义猜测题。根据前文的“help remind me of her”“a special heirloom”和后面的“I don’t have this for them one day”等可知,Walsh在这件意义重大的婚纱丢失后,会感到“非常伤心”。故选B。

3.Who is responsible for the loss of the wedding dress?

A Tanya Walsh.

B Walsh’s father.

C Walsh’s daughters.

D Walsh’s mother.

解析:选B。B细节理解题。根据第一段的“had been given away by accident”和第三段的“she learned her father had given the dress to a store”可知,这件婚纱被Walsh的爸爸意外捐给一个店了。故选B。

4.Where was the wedding dress found at last?

A At a wedding.

B At the father’s home.

C At a store.

D At Walsh’s home.

解析:选C。C细节理解题。根据最后一段的“at St. Vincent de Paul store”“It was kept in the basement”“came to work”可知,这件婚纱最后在一家商店的地下室里被找到。故选C。

5.Which of the following can best describe Walsh’s experience?

A A good man is a good man.

B Bad luck often brings good luck.

C A friend in need is a friend indeed.

D There is kindness to be found everywhere.
