野餐女孩勇救落水小女孩 获“澳大利亚勇敢奖”
野餐女孩勇救落水小女孩 获“澳大利亚勇敢奖”

One day, Bella Broadley and Elyse Partridge were enjoying a picnic on Angels Beach in Australia when a woman approached their group. “We were just having a little picnic at the beach with some girlfriends and this woman came up to us and said, ‘I can’t swim and my girls are drowning,’ and we just jumped into action,” Partridge, now age 20, said.

The two 11-year-olds, Chloe and Violet, got caught in the water and were overwhelmed by the waves. To make things worse, it was around 8 p.m. and getting dark. “It was so rough, it was crazy,” Broadway, 19, said. “I was just swimming out and thinking, ‘Oh my gosh, how am I going to get back in? This is bad.’ But luckily I had the cooler lid(盖子) for part of the way to keep my head above the water and once I got to Violet I just swam hard,” she said. Broadley handed the cooler lid off to Chloe and swam further out to get Violet. Partridge was close behind, and swam Chloe back to shore.

“I remember just grabbing my arms around her and trying to swim in, but we ended up hitting the rocks,” Partridge said. “I ended up being quite bruised(青肿) and had lots of cuts all over my hands from the rocks but obviously I’m fine and it would have been scarier in the water.” 

Eventually both girls were guided back to safety. Later, Chloe and Violet described how they swallowed seawater and were increasingly exhausted by their fight to keep their heads above water. Violet needed to spend the night in the hospital.

Bystanders and police told Broadley and Partridge that without their help, the younger girls would likely not have survived. On Wednesday, Broadley and Partridge were named on the Governor General’s Australian Bravery Decorations Honours List, which recognized 66 Australians for acts of bravery.


1.Why did the woman approach Broadley and Partridge?

A To invite them for a picnic.

B To give a hand to them.

C To request to join them.

D To ask for help from them.

解析:选D。D推理判断题。根据第一段那位女士说的话“I can’t swim and my girls are drowning”和Partridge说的话“and we just jumped into action”及第二段第一句的“Chloe and Violet, got caught in the water”可知女士的女儿们掉进了水中,但是她不会游泳,于是向Broadley和Partridge寻求帮助。故选D。

2.What can we know about Broadway when she jumped into action?

A She felt a bit nervous.

B She gave up the rescue.

C She liked the girls very much.

D She had disagreements with Partridge.

解析:选A。A推理判断题。根据第二段Broadway说的话“Oh my gosh, how am I going to get back in? This is bad”可知,当Broadway跳入水中营救那两个女孩时,她还是有点紧张,在想该怎么回去。故选A。

3.How did Chloe get back to the beach?

A She swam to the beach by herself.

B Partridge helped her back.

C The cooler lid sent her back.

D Broadway got her back.

解析:选B。B细节理解题。根据第二段最后一句“Partridge was close behind, and swam Chloe back to shore.”可知是Partridge把Chloe带回了岸边。故选B。

4.What was people’s attitude to Broadley and Partridge?

A Indifferent.

B Critical.

C Appreciative.

D Tolerant.
