
Sandy Hazelip and Ellie Hamby are from the same city. Ellie, an international documentary photographer (摄影师), has traveled to 107 countries and visited all 7 continents (洲) for her work. Sandy used to be a doctor. They met while traveling in Africa many years ago.

Two years ago, the now-81-year-olds started planning an adventure they called “Around the World at 80”, getting ideas from Jules Verne’s novel Around the World in 80 Days. Their goal was to travel to all seven continents, see 9 Wonders of the World, and visit 18 countries in about two-and-a-half months. Unluckily, their plans were put on hold for a few years due to COVID-19, but in 2023 they finally hit the road with a new motto: “81 and still on the run!”

So far, they’ve seen the Northern Lights, stood in the shadow of the Easter Island statues (雕像), played with penguins in Antarctica, gone dog-sledding, and enjoyed many other fabulous short journeys. Everywhere they go, they talk with the people they meet and make new friends, which is all part of their plan.“The Number One thing is meeting people,” said Ellie. “We love people. We just love to talk to people, and the world is full of the greatest, most exciting, most interesting people.” 

Nothing slows the two seniors down. Ellie records their journey with photos on Facebook. Sandy and Ellie hope to inspire others to keep moving into their wonderful years! “Don’t sit in that chair and waste away,” Sandy said. “If you don’t use it, you lose it.”


1.What did Sandy do?

A She was a photographer.

B She was a teacher.

C She was a doctor.

D She was a driver.

解析:选C。C细节理解题。根据第一段倒数第二句“Sandy used to be a doctor.”可知,Sandy过去是一名医生。故选C。

2.What encouraged Sandy and Ellie to travel?

A A song.

B A novel.

C A game.

D A movie.

解析:选B。B细节理解题。根据第二段的“...getting ideas from Jules Verne’s novel Around the World in 80 Days”可知,她们受到儒勒·凡尔纳的小说《80天环游世界》的启发,决定在接下来的两个半月内游览世界上的七大洲,九大世界奇观和造访18个国家。故选B。

3.What does the underlined word “fabulous” mean?

A Understanding.

B Amazing.

C Embarrassing.

D Caring.

解析:选B。B词义猜测题。根据前面的“So far, they’ve seen the Northern Lights, stood in the shadow of the Easter Island statues, played with penguins in Antarctica, gone dog-sledding...”可知,到目前为止,她们看了北极光,参观了复活节岛雕像,去南极洲看了企鹅,玩了狗拉雪橇。并且她们还享受了许多其他“精彩的”短途旅行。故选B。

4.What do Sandy and Ellie think as the most important thing?

A Tasting local food.

B Recording the journey.

C Taking pictures.

D Meeting people.

解析:选D。D细节理解题。根据第三段后面部分的“The Number One thing is meeting people”可知,她们觉得旅行途中最重要的就是结识陌生人。故选D。

5.What can we learn from the two women?

A You’re never too old to travel the world.

B Read ten thousand books, travel ten thousand miles.

C Old horses know the way, old people know the world.

D In old age, you have to be quiet and don’t care about anything.
