
The Indonesian island of Bali is banning tourists from renting motorbikes. The new rules—part of a crackdown on antisocial behaviour—come after a series of traffic offences by foreigners. Visitors will be encouraged to rent cars instead.

“As tourists, you should act as tourists,” Governor I Wayan Koster said. “This means using the vehicles prepared by travel agents, instead of roaming around with motorbikes, without wearing T-shirts and clothes, with no helmets, breaking traffic rules, and even without a licence.”

Over 170 foreigners have broke traffic laws between February and March, according to local media reports. Common offences include drunk driving, speeding, and the use of fake license plates. Bali’s economy is heavily reliant on visitors, with tourism contributing around 60 per cent of the island’s annual Gross domestic product. Many businesses were severely damaged during the COVID-19 pandemic. After international travel restrictions were eased, travel has rebounded. But locals are getting increasingly fed up with anti-social behaviour and hooliganism(流氓行为). “Why now? Because we are currently tidying up, during the pandemic we couldn’t have possibly done that because there were no tourists,” Koster said. 405 people died in Bali in 2020 due to motor vehicle incidents, the Bali Sun reports. 

The ban will come into effect sometime later this year. The government have not outlined how it will be carried out. Not everyone is pleased with the plans. Dedek Warjana, chair of Bali’s motorbike rental association, said the authorities should act on specific violations (违反) instead of setting a blanket ban. “I visit Bali every year but if the motorbikes are banned I will not be coming back for sure,” wrote one Twitter user.


1.What does Wayan Koste think tourists should do?

A Wander around with motorbikes.

B Ride a motorbike with a T-shirt.

C Get around in travel agency vehicles.

D Rent motorbikes from local companies.

解析:选C。C细节理解题。根据第二段的“This means using the vehicles prepared by travel agents...”可知,巴厘岛州长I Wayan Koster认为游客应该乘坐旅行社准备的车辆出行,而不是骑着摩托车,还裸上身、不戴头盔、违反各项交通规则甚至没有摩托车驾照。故选C。

2.What does the underlined word “reliant” probably mean?

A Dependent.

B Included.

C Impressed.

D Based.

解析:选A。A词义猜测题。根据第三段划线部分后文的“...with tourism contributing around 60 per cent of the island’s annual Gross domestic product...”可知,巴厘岛的经济严重“依赖”游客,旅游业贡献了该岛年度GDP的60%左右。故选A。

3.What’s the best subtitle of Paragraph 3?

A Who is banned from motorbikes and cars in Bali?

B How Bali is banning tourists from motorbikes?

C What’s people’s reaction to the ban in Bali?

D Why is Bali banning motorbikes for tourists?

解析:选D。D段落大意题。根据第三段内容及关键词句“Why now?”可知,本段主要讲了为什么巴厘岛要限制游客骑摩托车:游客骑摩托车频繁违反交通法规,当地人越来越厌倦这些反社会行为和流氓行为。故选D。

4.What can be inferred from the last paragraph?

A The authority knows how to put the ban into effect.

B Many tourists feel satisfied with the new ban.

C Dedek Warjana goes along with the ban.

D The implementation of the ban may be hard.
