幼童凌晨独自走在街头 外卖员忙报警送其回家
幼童凌晨独自走在街头 外卖员忙报警送其回家

Gabe Botello works for Villa Pizza. One day at about 3 a.m., he was delivering(递送) pizzas. On the street, he saw a very young girl in the cold.

After he gave people their food, he went back to look for the girl. But he didn’t find her. So he got in his car, and drove around for a minute. In the parking lot(停车场), he saw her. She was at a factory across the street. She was tired and cold. Botello put his coat on her and called the police. 

The police send the 3-year-old back to her mother. Her mother didn’t know she was missing. She thought she was sleeping!


1.What was Botello doing at about 3 a.m?

A He was working.

B He was eating a pizza.

C He was meeting someone.

D He was looking for a little girl.


2.Why did Botello drive his car around?

A To give people food.

B To go back home.

C To look for the girl.

D To call the police.


3.Where did Botello find the girl?

A In the parking lot.

B In the park.

C In a factory.

D On the street.

解析:选C。C细节理解题。根据第二段倒数第三句“She was at a factory across the street.”可知,那个女孩在街对面的一个工厂里。故选C。

4.What did Botello do for the girl?

A He took her to her mother.

B He gave her some water.

C He bought her some toys.

D He put his coat on her.

解析:选D。D细节理解题。根据第二段最后一句“Botello put his coat on her and called the police.”可知,Botello将自己的外套披在了小女孩的身上。故选D。

5.Which word can best describe Botello?

A Smart.

B Kind.

C Funny.

D Strict.
