
Do you enjoy playing video games? Have you ever thought about what it would be like to design them for a living? Today, let’s talk about Mitu Khandaker’s cool job. Mitu Khandaker is a game developer, someone who codes(编程序) and designs games. And she also teaches games.

Being a game developer is like wearing a lot of different hats at once. One minute, she might be fixing some code. Another minute, she might be solving a design problem, or creating art. The other part of the job is working with people. It’s very collaborative(合作的).

The best game designers are people who have a wide range of interests, because you want to bring those into games. So yes, you might love playing games. But you might also be someone who loves painting or writing stories, or making music, or even just listening to music. For example, Mitu Khandaker loves listening to hip-hop. Whatever your interests are, there is a space for that in games to tell these amazing new stories.

If you want to be a game designer, Mitu Khandaker would say follow your passion and believe in yourself. If you like writing stories, or you like drawing or painting or designing board games—whatever it is—there is a place for you in games. Don’t take no for an answer. That’s how she got to where she is.

If you enjoy learning about more interesting jobs, find more on Your Hot Job, a career-focused website for kids.


1.The writer starts the passage by _______.

A telling stories

B comparing facts

C raising questions

D giving examples


2.What’s the best subtitle of Paragraph Two?

A How do you become a game designer?

B What’s it like to be a game designer?

C What makes a great game designer?

D What can you get as a game designer?

解析:选B。B段落大意题。根据第二段关键词句“Being a game developer is like”“The other part of the job is”可知,第二段主要围绕游戏设计师的工作内容展开。故选B。

3.What is very important for a good game designer?

A Ability to communicate.

B Excellent designing skills.

C Interests and hobbies.

D A healthy body.

解析:选C。C细节理解题。根据第三段第一句的“The best game designers are people who have a wide range of interests”可知,最好的设计师都有广泛的兴趣爱好。故选C。

4.What is Mitu Khandaker’s advice for future game designers?

A Get to the bottom of everything.

B Think twice before you do.

C Do as the Romans do.

D Stay true to yourself.

解析:选D。D推理判断题。根据倒数第二段第一句的“Mitu Khandaker would say follow your passion and believe in yourself”并结合选项可知,Mitu Khandaker最有可能会建议未来想成为游戏设计师的人做真正的自己,坚持自己的热爱,相信自己。故选D。

5.Who is this passage written for?

A Writers.

B Children.

C Teachers.

D Parents.

解析:选B。B推理判断题。根据最后一段可知,Your Hot Job是一个专门面向孩子的职业网站,孩子可以在上面了解更多有趣的工作,由此推断本文也是写给孩子们读的。故选B。