幼童深夜独自游荡街头 暖心外卖小哥伸出援助之手
幼童深夜独自游荡街头 暖心外卖小哥伸出援助之手

Gabe Botello, who works for Villa Pizza, says he was in the middle of a delivery (递送) around 3 a.m. when he saw a very young girl alone in the cold.

“I had people’s food, so I ran to the door and I gave them their food,” Botello said. “I went back to look her, but I didn’t find her. So I got in my car and drove around for a minute. I didn’t find her so I started pulling into parking lots(停车场).” He finally saw the girl at a factory across the street. She was wearing nothing but a T-shirt, diaper(尿布), and socks. Botello put his clothes on her and called 911. 

“I had some water in my car, so she was drinking some water. I was just rubbing her back, letting her know she was okay and she started falling asleep,” said Botello. “She was very tired and cold.” 

Police were able to bring the 3-year-old back to her mother. The mother even didn’t know her daughter was missing and thought she was sleeping. It’s not clear how the toddler got out and for how long, but the police believe it was an accident. 

Botello is just glad he was at the right place at the right time. “Sometimes you want to turn a blind eye but, you just never know who you’re saving,” said Botello. “ I’m just glad she made it home. I’m glad she’s okay.”


1.What’s the best title for the passage?

A Mother Found Her Daughter Alone in the Dark.

B Pizza Delivery Driver Saves Little Girl at 3 A.M.

C A 3-Year-Old Went Back Home with the Police’s Help.

D Pizza Delivery Driver Made Friends with a 3-Year-Old.

解析:选B。B主旨大意题。根据全文内容可知,文章主要讲述了披萨速递员Gabe Botello凌晨三点送货时在大街上看到一个三岁小女孩,他伸出援助之手送她回家的故事。故选B。

2.2.What’s the right order of what Gabe Botello did? ①Put clothes on the girl. ②Gave people food. ③Looked for the girl. ④Drove around.

A ①②③④

B ②③④①

C ③④①②

D ①④②③

解析:选B。B细节理解题。根据第二段可知,Gabe Botello先把食物给了客户,然后去寻找那个女孩,但是没找到,然后他开着车在附近转,最后他找到了女孩,把自己的衣服给她穿上。故选B。

3.How did Botello feel about meeting the girl?

A Tired.

B Happy.

C Worried.

D Scared.

解析:选B。B细节理解题。根据最后一段中的“I’m just glad she made it home. I’m glad she’s okay.”可知,Botello很高兴能够在那时遇见这个小女孩。故选B。

4.What does Gabe Botello do?

A A policeman.

B A taxi driver.

C A deliveryman.

D A factory worker.

解析:选C。C推理判断题。根据第一段的“Gabe Botello, who works for Villa Pizza, says he was in the middle of a delivery”可知,Gabe Botello是一名披萨速递员。故选C。

5.Who does the underlined part “the toddler” refer to?

A The little girl.

B The policeman.

C The driver.

D The mother.

解析:选A。A词意指代题。根据倒数第二段划线部分前面的“the 3-year-old”“her daughter”可知,走丢的是那个小女孩。故选A。