
About half of Chinese adults sleep less than eight hours every night, a new report said. The report said that last year Chinese adults slept an average 7.4 hours per night. The report was based on a survey of 6,168 people aged 18 to 70 from July to November last year (2022). 

People with lower level of education have less sleep and lower sleep quality, according to the report. Those with stronger academic backgrounds tended to sleep longer and better, but those who have earned masters or doctorates reported less, lower-quality sleep. 

The report also showed a correlation(关联) between a person’s income and the quality of their sleep. People from families earning less than 3,000 yuan ($435) per month get the least amount of sleep and experience the worst sleep quality, the report showed, while those with mid-level incomes sleep longer and generally reported good-quality sleep. For people making more than 10,000 yuan per month, their hours of sleep were less than those with mid-level incomes, but they reported a better quality of sleep. 

The report also found that people who exercise regularly enjoy the best sleep quality, with 85 percent of them saying they have “very good” sleep quality. More than 80 percent said they can fall asleep in less than half an hour, and only 1.8 percent said they have trouble falling asleep.

University students sleep the longest, followed by white-collar(白领的) workers, blue-collar workers and unemployed people. However, university students usually stay up late, which results from the use of electronic devices, over-thinking, academic burdens(负担) and their sleeping environments. Sleep is important in stabilizing metabolism, emotion, behaviors and improving memory. While the majority of university students acknowledge that good sleeping habits are conducive to good health, many say they have not made positive changes to their habits.


1.What influences sleep according to the report? ①Education background. ②Family income. ③Working experience. ④Physical activities.

A ①②③

B ①②④

C ①③④

D ②③④

解析:选B。B细节理解题。文章二三四段分别描述了受教育程度、收入以及体育锻炼对睡眠的影响情况。 只有“工作经验”这一项未被提及。故选B。

2.What can be learned from the text?

A The less people earn, the more they sleep.

B Regular exercises can help with sleep quality.

C The more educated people are, the more they sleep.

D The unemployed people sleep more than workers.

解析:选B。B 细节理解题。 根据第二段内容可知,受教育程度较低的人睡眠较少,睡眠质量也较低。那些有较强学术背景的人睡眠时间更长、睡眠质量更好,但那些获得硕士或博士学位的人的睡眠质量更低,所以并非受教育程度越高,睡眠时间越长。第三段第二句提到,“月收入低于3000元家庭的人睡眠时间最少,睡眠质量最差”,所以并非收入越低,睡眠时间越长。第四段提到经常锻炼的人睡眠质量最好,85%的人说他们的睡眠质量“非常好”,即体育锻炼有助于提高睡眠质量。第五段第一句提到睡眠时间最长的是大学生,接下来依次是白领工作人员、蓝领工作人员,睡眠时间最短的是未就业人员。综合以上,只有B项正确。

3.What does the underlined word “conducive” probably mean?

A Beneficial.

B Dangerous.

C Equal.

D Difficult.

解析:选A。A词义猜测题。根据划线部分前面的“Sleep is important in stabilizing metabolism, emotion, behaviors and improving memory.”和后面的“many say they have not made positive changes to their habits.”可知,睡眠对稳定新陈代谢、情绪、行为和增强记忆力很重要,尽管很多大学生知道良好的睡眠习惯“有助于”健康,但许多人表示,他们没有对自己的习惯做出积极的改变。故选A。

4.What is the main purpose of the text?

A To persuade readers to sleep more.

B To analyze the causes of bad sleep.

C To explain the bad effects of poor sleep.

D To inform readers the survey results about sleep.
