风暴致帆船海上失联 绝望之际遇奇迹般救援
风暴致帆船海上失联 绝望之际遇奇迹般救援

It’s 2023 now. Kevin Hyde is 65 years old. He loves sailing(驾船航行). He recently invited his friend, Joe DiTommasso, along with Joe’s dog, Minnie, on a sailing trip. On the way, they found themselves inside a storm at sea.

As the ocean moved violently around them, the 50-foot mast(桅杆) of the boat broke off, so they couldn’t control the boat. Their radios didn’t work either. They could do nothing but stay at the stormy sea. When Kevin and Joe’s families lost touch with them, they reported them missing to the Coast Guard. Soon, a full search started through air and sea, but no one found them. By the 10th day at sea, they were nearly out of water and feeling more desperate than ever.

Just when it seemed that all was lost, they got help from the most unbelievable source(来源): a big international ship called the Silver Muna that was traveling from Amsterdam to New York City. A worker on the ship found their boat by accident. He told his co-workers and they got to work hauling(拖) the sailors and their dog aboard the huge ship. It was not easy! It took them about 3 hours to get Kevin, Joe, and Minnie aboard. They were hungry, and tired, but they were not hurt.


1.When was Kevin Hyde born?

A In 1938.

B In 1948.

C In 1958.

D In 1968.

解析:选C。C数字计算题。根据第一段第一二句“Kevin Hyde is 65 years old.”可知,他今年65岁,因此他出生于(2023-65=)1958年。故选C。

2.How many people were on the boat?

A Only one.

B Two.

C Three.

D Four.

解析:选B。B 细节理解题。根据第一段第四句“He recently invited his friend, Joe DiTommasso, along with Joe’s dog, Minnie, on a sailing trip.”可知,这艘船上有Kevin Hyde和Joe DiTommasso两个人以及Joe DiTommasso的狗Minnie。故选B。

3.What does the underlined word “desperate” mean?

A Hopeless.

B Careful.

C Strong.

D Lucky.

解析:选A。A词义猜测题。根据划线部分前面提到的“they couldn’t control the boat”“Their radios didn’t work either”“They could do nothing but stay at the stormy sea.”以及“they were nearly out of water”可知,帆船50英尺高的桅杆断裂,使他们无法控制船只,他们的收音机也坏了,只能任由暴风雨摆布,到了出海的第10天,他们几乎没有饮用水了,由此推断他们比以往任何时候都感到“绝望”,即毫无希望的。故选A。

4.Who found the boat?

A Joe’s family.

B Kevin’s family.

C The Coast Guard.

D A worker on the Silver Muna.

解析:选D。D细节理解题。根据第三段的“a big international ship called the Silver Muna”和“A worker on the ship found their boat by accident”可知,一艘名为Silver Muna的大型国际货船上的一名船员发现了他们的小船。故选D。

5.How was the act of saving the sailors?

A Boring.

B Crazy.

C Easy.

D Difficult.

解析:选D。D推理判断题。根据第三段中倒数第二三句的“It was not easy! It took them about 3 hours to get Kevin, Joe, and Minnie aboard.”可知,营救他们并不容易,即很困难。故选D。