黑熊被困涵洞急需救援 众人齐心协力转危为安
黑熊被困涵洞急需救援 众人齐心协力转危为安

While considering comfortable places to sleep in this winter, a 6-year-old black bear picked out a storm culvert(涵洞). Unluckily for the bear, this decision didn’t work out well.

In late February, the culvert froze(结冰). The poor bear was trapped in snow and ice for three days before some kind humans noticed and called experts for help. By the time experts arrived, people had already tried digging the bear out and luring(引诱) him with food. However, the bear wasn’t interested in food because he was still sleeping.

The team injected the bear with an anesthetic(麻醉药). Once he was asleep, it took five strong men to pull the bear out of the culvert. Andrew gave him a full check-up and found he was in great physical shape, even though he was still a bit sleepy! They looked him over, and then sent him to the Wildlife Management Area to finish out the winter.

“He’s in the back of a truck now, and we’ll make him a new home,” said Andrew. In a post, the department of natural resources shared the story along with photos of the bear rescue. “If you care about a bear’s safety by all means give us a call. But don’t try to move it or feed it! Doing so can result in a bad situation (either for you or for the bear),” they advised. 


1.What does the underlined part “this decision” refer to?

A Digging the bear out.

B Sleeping in the winter.

C Living in a storm culvert.

D Calling someone for help.

解析:选C。C词意指代题。根据前一句的“a 6-year-old black bear picked out a storm culvert”和下文可知,一只6岁的黑熊在考虑舒适的地方冬眠时,选择了一个暴雨涵洞,不料融化的积雪却将涵洞淹没,黑熊也因此被冰包围,受困在雪中动弹不得,因此这个不好的决定指的是“在风暴涵洞中过冬”。故选C。

2.Why did the luring fail?

A Because it was dark and cold.

B Because the bear was afraid.

C Because the bear didn’t like the food.

D Because the bear didn’t wake up.

解析:选D。D细节理解题。根据第二段最后一句的“However, the bear wasn’t interested in food because he was still sleeping.”可知,有些热心民众试图用食物引诱它出来,但它正在冬眠。故选D。

3.How was the bear when he was pulled out of the culvert?

A In poor health.

B Lack of sleep.

C Safe and sound.

D Strong and powerful.

解析:选C。C细节理解题。根据第三段的“he was in great physical shape”可知这只熊被弄出涵洞来的时候,健康状况良好。故选C。

4.What is advised in the last paragraph?

A Putting a bear on the truck.

B Never moving or feeding a bear.

C Caring about a bear’s safety.

D Making a new home for a bear.

解析:选B。B细节理解题。根据最后一段的“But don’t try to move it or feed it! Doing so can result in a bad situation”可知,他们建议人们不要去移动或者投喂熊,因为可能会发生危险。故选B。

5.Where can we read the passage?

A In a health magazine.

B In a history book.

C In an instruction book.

D In a newspaper.
