
Do kids need homework? Some of our readers say that homework reinforces(加强) what they learn in class. Others say homework adds to students’ stress and takes time away from exercise. Here are some students’ opinions.

When kids learn something new in school, reviewing it at home helps them remember it. Our homework gives our teachers valuable information. It tells them how much students are paying attention in class and who needs more help. —Peter

Kids are learning for six hours a day at school. Adding another hour of work for kids to do at home is just having them repeat what they’ve been doing all day. What’s more, homework takes time away from activities like team sports, hobbies, exercise, and playing. These are just as important as schoolwork. Homework just covers what they already learned in class. It’s pointless. —Mike

Kids need time after school for experiences that build a healthy mind and body. When homework heaps up, students get stressed. And the quality(质量) of homework that a stressed-out mind produces is low. Doing homework poorly is worse than doing no homework. As long as students are working hard in class, it’s best not to give them homework. —Olivia

Homework takes time away from learning material that wasn’t covered in class. Homework should not be canceled completely. But students should be given less homework so they have more time for creative activities. — Nancy


1.Peter thinks homework is good for__________.

A students and teachers

B students and parents

C parents and teachers

D only teachers

解析:选A。A细节理解题。根据第二段的“When kids learn something new in school, reviewing it at home helps them remember it. Our homework gives our teachers valuable information.”可知,当孩子们在学校学到一些新东西时,在家复习有助于他们记住这些东西。家庭作业提供给老师宝贵的信息,让老师知晓学生在课堂上是否听讲,以及哪些学生需要额外的帮助。因此布置家庭作业对学生和老师都有帮助。故选A。

2.What does the underlined word “pointless” mean?

A Careless.

B Fearless.

C Meaningless.

D Restless.

解析:选C。C词义猜测题。根据划线部分前面的“Homework just covers what they already learned in class.”可知,家庭作业只涵盖学生们在课堂上已经学到的内容,还占用了他们团队运动、爱好、锻炼和玩耍等活动的时间,因此这是毫无意义的。故选C。

3.What is Olivia’s opinion?

A The more homework, the better grades.

B Kids don’t need homework.

C The quality of homework doesn’t matter.

D Giving students homework is necessary.

解析:选B。B推理判断题。根据第四段的“Kids need time after school for experiences that build a healthy mind and body”以及最后一句“As long as students are working hard in class, it’s best not to give them homework.”可知,奥利维亚认为不应该给学生留家庭作业。故选B。

4.Who think homework is necessary?

A Peter and Mike.

B Mike and Olivia.

C Olivia and Nancy.

D Peter and Nancy.

解析:选D。D细节理解题。根据第二段可知Peter赞成给学生留家庭作业;根据最后一段的“Homework should not be canceled completely.”可知南希也赞成留家庭作业,但应该减少量。故选D。

5.Where can we read the passage?

A In a travel magazine.

B In a school newspaper.

C In a story book.

D In a science book.

解析:选B。B 推理判断题。本文主要分享了几个学生对于家庭作业的看法,与学生的学习生活有关,我们可以在学校报纸上读到该文。故选B。