
If seven days of living in a noisy dog kennel(狗窝) seems like a lot, imagine being there for 400. That’s how long a little dog named Queen lived inside the Great Plains SPCA in Merriam, Kansas.  

One day in September, animal advocate Scott Poore decided enough was enough. Scott runs an organization called “Mission Driven” that helps animal shelters. Once he heard about how upset Queen had become from living in the shelter for so long, he decided to do what he could to draw some attention to the homeless dog.

After he met her, he was even more determined to help her find her forever home. Scott brought along a few belongings and bedding, which he shared with Queen. He was determined to live with her until she was adopted. After seven days and seven nights, she found her forever home!

“I honestly did not know if I was going to be there 24 hours or a month but I was prepared to do either,” he said. “Seven nights in an animal shelter is quite a long time I have to admit.” As you can imagine, animal shelters are not a great place to get any rest. Scott admitted that he barely slept during his seven days in the kennel.

But all of Scott’s hardships were rewarded when a father and son from the Kansas City area saw a report about Queen and her new roommate and decided to step up and adopt her. “I just want to thank them for opening up their home and their hearts for such an incredible dog,” he said.

As for why he didn’t simply adopt Queen himself, he reminded people that as an animal advocate he comes in contact with needy animals every single day. “I can’t adopt every animal that I help because then I will have 1,000 animals in my house,” said Scott. Once Queen had found her people, this dog lover moved on to find the next animal who needs him.


1.What does the underlined part mean?

A Scott wanted to give up his job.

B Scott decided to help Queen.

C Scott wanted to leave animal shelter.

D Scott sold Queen’s dog kennel.

解析:选B。B句意猜测题。根据划线部分后面的“Once he heard about how upset Queen had become from living in the shelter for so long, he decided to do what he could to draw some attention to the homeless dog.”可知,当他知道这只小狗在收容所待了400天时,他决定做些什么让人们关注这只小狗(收养它),即他决定帮助这只小狗。故选B。

2.In which situation will Scott leave Queen?

A Queen is adopted.

B Queen becomes sick.

C Queen has friends.

D Queen hurts him.

解析:选A。A推理判断题。根据第三段倒数第二句“He was determined to live with her until she was adopted.”可知,当小狗找到新主人的时候,他才会离开。故选A。

3.How was Scott’s life in the dog kennel?

A Quiet.

B Easy.

C Hard.

D Happy.

解析:选C。C细节理解题。根据第四段的“animal shelters are not a great place to get any rest”和“he barely slept during his seven days in the kennel”和第五段的“all of Scott’s hardships were rewarded”可知,斯科特在狗舍生活的这七天生活很艰难,他几乎没睡过觉。故选C。

4.Which of the following words can best describe Scott’s attitude towards the father and son?

A Dissatisfied.

B Forgiving.

C Concerned.

D Grateful.

解析:选D。D推理判断题。根据第五段最后一句的“I just want to thank them for opening up their home and their hearts for such an incredible dog”可知,斯科特很感谢这一对父子,因为他们收养了这只小狗。故选D。