
When Randy Smalls found out that his daughter, Re’Onna, was in a group of students who bullied a girl at school, he couldn’t bear to sit back and do nothing about it.

As someone all-too-familiar with being bullied, he felt they should say sorry to Ryan Reese, the girl who was getting picked on. And in doing so, he also found a way to teach his own daughter a lesson. He decided to help Ryan buy brand new clothes. Re’Onna was upset, especially because she is into fashion. So Randy asked her to come with them and help pick out Ryan’s new clothes.

In addition to buying lots of new clothes, Randy also took the then-13-year-old to get her hair done at a salon(美发厅)—he even committed to paying for the twice-a-month upkeep of her new clothes until the end of the year! Best of all, Randy’s generosity became contagious. Several local salons also offered to help keep her looking beautiful in the months that followed.

As upset as Re’Onna was at first, the more time she spent with Ryan, the more she began to truly understand the importance of not bullying. Not only because it’s not okay to hurt others but because you never know what someone else is going through. For Ryan, that included losing her dad, grandpa, and aunt in a short period of time. “I wasn’t expecting it,” Ryan said. “I just started to cry. It was really sad for me because I had already lost my grandpa, father, and aunt, and it really took me deeper down in my depression(抑郁).”

“As parents, we have to take responsibility for what our children do,” Randy said. “We can teach our children, but when they go and are around other children, something terrible may happen. When situations like this happen, we have to take action and be the parent and not the friend.”


1.How did Randy make apologies to Ryan? ① By buying her clothes. ② By going to a concert with her. ③ By taking her to a hair salon. ④By speaking angrily to Re’Onna.

A ①④

B ②③

C ①③

D ②④

解析:选C。C细节理解题。根据第二段的“He decided to help Ryan buy brand new clothes.”和第三段的“to get her hair done at a salon”可知,兰迪带她买了衣服并且做了头发。故选C。

2.How did Re’Onna feel at first about what Randy did?

A Excited.

B Unhappy.

C Shocked.

D Afraid.

解析:选B。B细节理解题。根据第四段的“As upset as Re’Onna was at first”可知,雷欧娜一开始对父亲兰迪的所作所为感到很沮丧。故选B。

3.What does the underlined word “it” refer to?

A The bullying.

B The depression.

C The death.

D The generosity.

解析:选A。A词义指代题。根据划线部分前面的“It was really sad for me because I had already lost my grandpa, father, and aunt...”可知,瑞安接连失去了爷爷、爸爸和阿姨,这本就让她非常难过了;而她在学校被欺凌这件事,使她陷入了更深的抑郁中。故选A。

4.Who may learn from the passage?

A Doctors.

B Students.

C Soldiers.

D Parents.

解析:选D。D推理判断题。根据最后一段的“As parents, we have to take responsibility for what our children do”和“We can teach our children”可知,兰迪的话对父母有启发,因此父母可以从这篇文章中受益。故选D。