
Chinese scientists have solved a food challenge of the ages. 

Crucian carp (鲫鱼) is a popular freshwater fish with tender meat and a fresh flavor, but its many tiny bones can easily get stuck in people’s throats when the fish is eaten, and it is also difficult to process industrially. But recently researchers from the Chinese Academy of Fishery Sciences’ Heilongjiang Fishery Research Institute have successfully cultivated the world’s first crucian carp without intermuscular bones (tiny bones). That maintains its flavor and is more commercially viable (可行的).

The research team started the project in 2009 and identified the key gene, from 1,600 candidate genes, that controls the growth of the fish’s intermuscular spine (肌间脊柱). The key gene, named bmp6, was removed without affecting the fish’s growth and reproduction. In 2020, they successfully cultivated the first generation of crucian carps without intermuscular bones with a success rate of 12.96 percent. The second generation in 2021 had a success rate of 19 percent. At the beginning of 2022, researchers released around 20,000 fish of the third generation in the test base, and began large-scale breeding. Results of an examination conducted in August showed that the success rate had reached 100 percent.

Though there is still a long way to go in terms of safety regulation and mass production, many researchers on the team remain excited. “People will no longer have to pick out tiny fish bones,” said Li Shaowu, head of the team. “This can greatly change the global fish diet culture and habits, and have a profound impact on boosting consumption of aquatic (水生的) products in the future.”


1.What does the underlined sentence mean?

A Scientists make crucian carps more popular.

B Scientists change the flavour of a popular fish.

C Scientists find a new way to process crucian carps.

D Scientists produce crucian carps with no small bones.


2.What can we know about the three generations of crucian carps?

A The first generation took researchers ten years.

B Their gene “bmp6” was not all removed.

C The second generation had a success rate of 12.96%.

D All the third generation fish had no small bones.

解析:选D。D细节理解题。根据第三段最后一句“Results of an examination conducted in August showed that the success rate had reached 100 percent.”可知,第三代鲫鱼去小鱼刺成功率为100%。故选D。

3.What does Li Shaowu say about the new variety of crucian carps?

A It drives the evolution of fish genes.

B It is significant and very crucial.

C It contributes much to diet diversity.

D It’s key to effective marketing.

解析:选B。B推理判断题。根据最后一段中的“People will no longer have to pick out tiny fish bones”“greatly change”“have a profound impact”等可知,Li Shaowu认为没有小鱼刺的鲫鱼的成功培育具有非常重要的意义。故选B。

4.In which section of a newspaper may this text appear?

A Food and drink.

B Energy and Environment.

C Science and Technology.

D Life and Entertainment.
