
More than half the world’s population will be regarded as obese or overweight by 2035 if action is not taken, the World Obesity Federation warns. Obese is a medical term used to describe a person with an excess of body fat.

Its report says, more than four billion people will be affected, with rates(比率) rising fastest among both boys and girls. The rates are expected to double from 2020 levels among them. The report predicts the cost of obesity will be to more than $4 million million (£3.3 million million) every year by 2035.

The report also stresses that low or middle-income countries in Africa and Asia are expected to see the greatest rises. The first reason lies in that people there prefer to eat highly processed foods. In the second place, they are likely to sit too long. Thirdly, in those countries, there are fewer policies to control food supply and marketing. Last but not the least, people there are short of healthcare services to help in weight management and health education.

The president of the federation, Louise Baur, described the report’s findings as a clear warning to countries to act now. If they don’t take any action, they will be faced with endless bad effects in the future. Baur said that governments and policymakers around the world need to do all they can to avoid passing health, social, and economic costs on to the younger generation(一代人). They should find out what are the root causes of obesity.

The data published in the report will be presented to the UN on Monday.


1.Which of the following can take the place of the underlined part in Para. 1?

A Not enough.

B Too much.

C Healthy.

D Similar.

解析:选B。B 词义猜测题。根据前文提到的“obese or overweight”可知obese和overweight意思相近,即obese指的是人体脂肪含量过高,即脂肪太多。故选B。

2.Who will get obese the fastest according to the report?

A Women.

B Men.

C Children.

D Old people.

解析:选C。C 细节理解题。根据第二段第一句的“with rates rising fastest among both boys and girls”可知,孩子的肥胖增长率最快。故选C。

3.What’s the main idea of the third paragraph?

A How people’s eating habits change.

B Why low-income populations are obese.

C How countries should control obesity rates.

D Why there is a food shortage in Africa and Asia.

解析:选B。B 段落大意题。根据第三段第一句“The report also stresses that low or middle-income countries in Africa and Asia are expected to see the greatest rises”非洲和亚洲的低收入或中等收入国家预计将出现最大的肥胖率增长,接下来本段列出了四个原因。即本段主要解释了为何低收入人群容易发胖。故选B。

4.How does Louise Baur feel about the obesity around the world?

A Mad.

B Worried.

C Relaxed.

D Proud.

解析:选B。B 推理判断题。根据倒数第二段中Louise Baur所说的关键词句“a clear warning to countries to act now”“endless bad effects”以及“need to do all they can to avoid”等可知,他对肥胖问题很担忧。故选B。

5.Where is the material probably from?

A A tour guide.

B A sports website.

C An educational report.

D A health magazine.

解析:选D。D 推理判断题。本文主要介绍了世界肥胖联合会发布的一篇研究报告的相关内容,可能会出现在一份健康杂志上。故选D。