老妇沃尔玛购物遗失钱包 好心少年捡到后物归原主
老妇沃尔玛购物遗失钱包 好心少年捡到后物归原主

It’s 2023 now. Dee Harkrider is a grandmother of seven. Recently, she went to the Walmart for shopping. After she put what she bought into her car, she left her wallet in the shopping cart(手推车), then drove away. She didn’t even realize she’d left the wallet behind.

19-year-old Delivontae visited Walmart right after Dee and found her wallet in the shopping cart. He opened the wallet and found Dee’s driver’s license, but with no phone number to call her, he turned to the Internet. Once Delivontae matched her picture with the one on her license, he sent Dee a message.

Dee didn’t reply, so Delivontae reached out to her friend Elaine, who’d recently interacted(互动) with Dee on Facebook. It certainly took some work to find the wallet’s owner, but Delivontae didn’t give up half way! After Elaine knew what had happened, she called Dee and told her about it. Dee then called Delivontae and they met at a restaurant. At the restaurant, Delivontae handed over the wallet and Dee pulled a $20 from it to give him to thank him.

The two have now become friends, visiting each other’s churches and meeting family members. Dee even had lunch with Delivontae’s mom, Rachel Johnson, and found the apple hadn’t fallen far from the tree. These two families are now united by kindness and mutual(相互的) respect, and that’s a beautiful thing!


1.What did Dee leave behind?

A A wallet.

B A cellphone.

C What she bought.

D A shopping cart.

解析:选A。A 细节理解题。根据第一段的“she left her wallet in the shopping cart”可知,她落下的是她的钱包。故选A。

2.When was Delivontae born?

A In 2004.

B In 2003.

C In 2002.

D In 2001.

解析:选A。A 数字计算题。根据第二段第一句的“19-year-old Delivontae”可知,迪力沃泰出生于(2023-19=)2004年。故选A。

3.Why did Delivontae reach out for Elaine?

A To hand her the wallet.

B To make friends with her.

C To contact Dee through her.

D To meet her at a restaurant.


4.What does the underlined part mean?

A Delivontae’s mom eats apples for lunch.

B Delivontae’s mom has many apples at home.

C Delivontae’s mom is as nice as Delivontae.

D Delivontae’s mom likes apples as much as Delivontae.

解析:选C。C推理判断题。根据划线部分后面的“These two families are now united by kindness and mutual respect”可知,两人现在成为了朋友,互相会见家人。迪伊甚至和迪力沃泰的妈妈雷切尔·约翰逊共进午餐,两个家庭现在因友好和相互尊重而团结在一起。由此可判断,迪伊觉得迪力沃泰的妈妈和迪力沃泰一样很好。故选C。

5.What’s the best title for the passage?

A Grandma Was in Bad Need of Help.

B Teenager Managed to Return the Lost Wallet.

C Friend Helped Woman Get Back Her Wallet.

D Grandma Made Friends with a Fantastic Teenager.
