
Patricia Kopta, 83, was last seen in the summer of 1992. Her husband, Bob Kopta, reported her missing a few months later in the fall. At the time, he told the police that it wasn’t uncommon for his wife to “drop out of sight for short periods.” 

Police said they were first informed about the discovery of the missing woman when an agent from the International Criminal Police Organization (INTERPOL) and a social worker from Puerto Rico contacted them last year saying that they believed Patricia was living in an adult care home in Puerto Rico. “What they reported to us was that she came into their care in 1999, when she was found in need in the streets of Puerto Rico,” the police said, “Patricia was found wandering the streets and through the years she had ‘refused to ever discuss her private life or where she came from.’” In her advanced age, Patricia started revealing clues that would eventually encourage those around her to contact the police.

Police said her disappearance wasn’t suspicious(可疑的) because they “knew she had a mental health history and she had made statements to other family individuals that she was leaving, that she was concerned that she was going to be placed into a care facility here.” She had likely left of her own volition

Her husband said that his wife had talked about wanting to go to Puerto Rico to live in a tropical environment. “I even advertised in the paper down in Puerto Rico looking for her,” Kopta said, adding that he spent a lot of money over the years searching for her. 

Police determined the woman was in fact Patricia through a nine-month-long process in which they compared DNA samples provided by her sister, Gloria Smith, and her nephew.


1.Why didn’t Bob Kopta call the police immediately after Patricia went missing?

A He thought she would come back herself.

B He knew where she was going.

C She never disappeared from sight before.

D He was afraid the police would catch him.

解析:选A。A推理判断题。根据第一段最后一句“At the time, he told the police that it wasn’t uncommon for his wife to ‘drop out of sight for short periods.’”可知,他的丈夫当时觉得她短时间消失这种事情非常常见,所以他当时并没有及时报警。故选A。

2.Who may most probably play the primary role in finding Patricia?

A INTERPOL and the social worker.

B Her husband Bob Kopta.

C The nursing home.

D Patricia Kopta.

解析:选D。D细节理解题。根据第二段最后一句“In her advanced age, Patricia started revealing clues that would eventually encourage those around her to contact the police.”可知,Patricia年事已高,她开始透露一些线索,这些线索最终促使她在周围的人联系警方。即警方找到Patricia最根本的原因可能是她自己。故选D。

3.What does the underlined part “of her own volition” mean?

A Giving up on her dream.

B Following her own will.

C Forced by her husband.

D Without telling anyone.

解析:选B。B词义猜测题。根据该段前文“Police said her disappearance wasn’t suspicious...”警方认为她的失踪并不可疑,并且因为她有精神病史,曾向家人表示她要离开这里,由此可推知,划线部分所在句表示“她很可能是自愿离开的”,结合第四段内容她的丈夫多年登广告找寻无果更是证实了此意。故选B。

4.How did the police confirm the woman was Patricia?

A Through a nine-month survey.

B By DNA testings.

C Through her old photo.

D With Gloria Smith’s guarantee.
