

Two pilots who crossed the Pacific Ocean in a balloon have landed just off the coast of Baja California, Mexico, after six days in the air.

American Troy Bradley and Russia’s Leonid Tiukhtyaev have flown more than 6,600 miles since setting off from Japan on Sunday.

In doing so, the Two Eagles, as they are known, passed the world distance and duration records for human flight in a helium-filled balloon, according to their team.

A statement from the team said: “The Two Eagles balloon team is pleased to report the Two Eagles balloon has landed safely just off the Baja coast near La Poza Grande.”

Although the record is yet to be officially confirmed, the team are confident it will be as they travelled further than other teams whose records were confirmed. “We would note that a water landing is acceptable under the international rules governing the establishment of world records,” the statement said.

The landing occurred six days, 16 hours and 37 minutes after the craft set off, travelling a total distance of 6,646 miles (10,696km).

The previous distance record of 5,209 miles was set in 1981 by Double Eagle V which was the first balloon to successfully cross the Pacific.


1.How long has the pilots stayed in the air?

A For more than six days.

B For five days.

C For a week.

D For two weeks.

解析:选A。A 细节理解题。根据第一段…after six days in the air和第6段The landing occurred six days, 16 hours and 37 minutes可知,故选A。

2.Where did the pilots begin their balloon journey?

A England.

B Mexico.

C Japan.

D Russia.

解析:选C。C 细节理解题。根据第二段内容…setting off from Japan on Sunday.可知,故选C。

3.What is the name of the balloon that set off on Sunday?

A Troy Bradley.

B Leonid Tiukhtyaev.

C The Two Eagles.

D Double Eagle V.

解析:选C。C 细节理解题。根据第四段内容…the Two Eagles balloon has landed safely…可知,故选C。

4.The underlined words “the craft” in paragraph 6 refers to .

A a spaceship

B the helium-filled balloon

C an airplane

D a ship

解析:选B。B 语义理解题。根据文章内容可知所指为热气球而不是宇宙飞船、飞机或者轮船,故选B。

5.Which of the following is RIGHT according to the passage?

A The new flight record in a balloon has been confirmed.

B The two pilots are both from America.

C The balloon landed in the forest.

D Double Eagle V was the first balloon to successfully cross the Pacific.

解析:选D。D 内容理解题。新纪录尚未认定,A选项错;其中一个飞行员来自俄国,B选项错;气球降落在海面上,C选项错;根据最后一段内可知,故选D。